The Working Environment in Focus on Peab's Work Places

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On August 31-September 4, Peab carries out its annual Working Environment Week. Company executives leave the offices and visit at least 500 workplaces with the aim of creating dialogue and commitment to safety, health and security.

- Working Environment is one of the most important fields we have in Peab, every day throughout the year. To give extra energy to the daily safety work, Peab carries through an annual Safety Week where managers and employees come together in dialogue in the workplace, says Jesper Göransson, CEO of Peab.

During the working environment week, the focus is on the workplace – what can we do together and what can I personally contribute to make this site safe?

- Safety and security of our operations requires that we constantly work with attitudes and values. This is how we can bring down the accident rate in the construction industry and reach Peab's goal in 2017 of halving the number of accidents*) in the Group. The vision is to have no accidents at all, that is our main purpose, says Urban Alm, work environment manager Peab.

*) Accidents that provide at least eight hours of sick leave per million hours worked.

For further information, contact:
Urban Alm, Work Environment Peab, +46 733 37 23 54
Gösta Sjöström, Information Peab, +46 733 37 10 10

Peab is the Nordic Community Builder with some 13,000 employees and net sales exceeding SEK 43 billion. The Group’s subsidiaries have strategically located offices in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. The registered office of the Group is at Förslöv, Skåne in south of Sweden.





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