Tore Hallersbo has been made a Deputy CEO of Peab

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• Tore Hallersbo becomes Deputy CEO • Redistribution of responsibility within executive management • Newly created executive management advisory board The construction market has changed dramatically since the autumn of 2008. Peab is taking the offensive by making revamping management. This will strengthen our management organisation which will be better equipped to handle the coming challenges and opportunities in the construction and civil engineering industry. One of these challenges is to develop a work method and production process that suits the new market situation and thereby enhances Peab’s competitive capacity. This means a greater focus on operative matters and consequently the decision was taken to augment executive management and redistribute responsibilities within it. Tore Hallersbo has been made a Deputy CEO and member of executive management, responsible for Business Development. Tore, age 54, has been at Peab since 2005 and is currently Operational Manager for Peab’s Division West. He has a Master of Science in Engineering from Chalmers and will be stationed at Peab’s headquarters in Förslöv. In connection with this change an executive management advisory board has been created aimed at raising our preparedness for future markets and at the same time increase focus on our current undertakings. Peab’s new executive management and its division of responsibility: Mats Paulsson, President and CEO Jan Johansson, Vice President Mats Johansson, Human Resources and communication Jesper Göransson, Group Accounting/Finance Tore Hallersbo, Business Development Peab’s executive management advisory board and its division of responsibility: Anders Elfner, large construction projects such as Arenastaden i Solna Mats Leifland, IR, investments and structural business Niclas Winkvist, acquisitions and business support “We are glad to have Tore join executive management. We have made these changes to boost, and increase focus on, our operations, something I think will be a necessity in the future. Altogether this provides us with the tools I believe will be crucial for our ability to compete well in existing and future construction markets,” comments Mats Paulsson, Peab’s CEO. For additional information, please contact: Jan Johansson, Vice President Peab +46 733 374000 Mats Leifland, IR Peab +46 733 371006 Gösta Sjöström, CIO Peab +46 733 371010 Peab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 8.30 a.m. on 8 July 2009. Previous press releases from Peab are available at


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