Decisions of Ponsse Oyj's Annual General Meeting

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PONSSE OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 29 April 2008, 3:00 P.M.            

Ponsse Oyj's Annual General Meeting was held in Vieremä today, 29 April 2008.   

Financial statements                                                            

The parent company's and the Group's financial statements were approved by the  
Board of Directors, and the Board members and the President and CEO were        
discharged from liability for 2007.                                             


A decision was made to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share to           
shareholders for the financial period that ended on 31.12.07. The record date is
5 May 2008 and the dividend payment date is 12 May 2008.                        

Board of Directors                                                              

The number of Board members was confirmed as six (6). Maarit Aarni-Sirviö, Nils 
Hagman, Ilkka Kylävainio, Seppo Remes, Juha Vidgrén and Einari Vidgrén were     
elected Board members until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.         

The Annual General Meeting confirmed the annual remuneration payable to the     
Chairman of the Board as EUR 43,000, and the remuneration payable to other      
members as EUR 32,000.                                                          

At a Board meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, Einari Vidgrén was    
elected Chairman of the Board and Juha Vidgrén was elected Vice Chairman.       


Ernst & Young Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, were appointed the company     
auditors with Eero Huusko, Authorised Public Accountant, as the principal       
Amendment to the Articles of Association                                        

The Annual General Meeting approved the amendment of Article 6 (the right to    
represent the company) of the Articles of Association.                          

Acquisition of treasury shares                                                  

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the   
acquisition of treasury shares as follows:                                      

- A maximum of 250,000 treasury shares may be acquired using the company's      
unrestricted equity deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive right.         

-The shares shall be acquired in public trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange      
Helsinki at a price commanded by the shares in public trading at the time of the

The authorisation is valid until the next Annual General Meeting; however, no   
later than 30 June 2009.                                                        

The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the   
assignment of treasury shares as follows:                                       

-The Board of Directors can, in line with the authorisation, decide on assigning
the company's treasury shares so that the maximum number of shares assigned     
under the authorisation is 300,000.                                             
-The authorisation includes the right to assign treasury shares in the company's
possession in one or more instalments.                                          
- The authorisation may be used in the company's potential corporate            
acquisitions or other arrangements. In addition, the shares can be relinquished 
to the company's existing shareholders, sold in public trading, used for        
developing the company's equity structure or as part of the implementation of an
incentive scheme in the company and/or its subsidiaries.                        
- The authorisation includes the right of the Board to decide upon all other    
terms and conditions of the share issue. Thus, the authorisation includes a     
right to organise a directed issue in deviation of the shareholders'            
subscription rights under the provisions prescribed by law.                     
- The authorisation is valid until the next Annual General Meeting; however, no 
later than 30 June 2009.                                                        

Personnel profit bonus                                                          

A decision was made to pay a profit bonus to Ponsse Oyj personnel for 2007.     

The bonus is EUR 90 for each complete working month.                            

Minutes of the meeting                                                          

The minutes of the meeting will be available for inspection by shareholders at  
Ponsse Oyj's customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, FI-74200 Vieremä,        
Finland, from 6 May 2008.                                                       

PONSSE OYJ                                                                      

Arto Tiitinen                                                                   
President and CEO                                                               

Further information:                                                            

Mikko Paananen, CFO                                                             
Tel: +358 20 768 8648, mobile +358 400 817 036                                  

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Principal media                                                        
