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PONSSE OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 16 MARCH 2007, 10:00 A.M.                     

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                                

Ponsse Oyj's shareholders are hereby invited to attend the Annual General       
Meeting to be held on Thursday 12 April 2007 at 10 am in the auditorium of the  
company's customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, 74200 Vieremä.              

ITEMS OF BUSINESS TO BE PRESENTED                                               

1. Matters to be reviewed under Article 13 of the Articles of Association       

2. The Board of Directors' proposal for an amendment to the Articles of         

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Articles 
of Association be amended. The proposal is mostly due to the new Companies Act  
which came into force as of 1 September 2006.                                   

The major amendments proposed are as follows:                                   

1. Article 1 shall be supplemented so that the company name in English is
Ponsse Plc. 

2. Article 2 shall be supplemented so that the objects of the company also
include the provision of training and consultancy services, as well as the
provision of administrative services for Group companies. 

3. Article 3 (Share capital) and Article 4 (Nominal value of shares) shall be 
repealed as unnecessary.                                                        

4. Article 5 shall be amended to specify that the company's shares belong to
the book-entry system of securities referred to in the Act on the Book-entry
System. Article 6 shall be repealed as necessary. 

5. Article 9 shall be amended to replace signing for the company with the term 
“right to represent the company” as used in the new Companies Act.              

6. Article 12 shall be amended so that the notice to convene a general meeting 
shall be published in a newspaper specified by the Board of Directors and in a  
stock exchange release no earlier than three (3) months and no later than       
seventeen (17) days before the meeting. Furthermore, the Article shall be       
amended so that in order to attend a meeting, shareholders must inform the      
company of their intention to do so by the deadline given in the notice. This   
deadline may be no earlier than ten (10) days prior to the meeting.             

7. Article 13 shall be amended so that the Annual General Meeting must be held 
within six (6) months of the end of each financial period. Point 1. under the   
Article shall be amended to specify that the following shall be presented: the  
financial statements, including the consolidated financial statements, and the  
report by the Board of Directors. Points 3. and 4. shall be amended to specify  
that the meeting will decide on the adoption of the financial statements and    
consolidated financial statements, as well as the actions warranted by the      
profit or loss shown in the adopted balance sheet.                              

8. The numbering of the Articles in the Articles of Association shall be
changed to reflect the above amendments. 

Furthermore, the Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting    
authorise the Board of Directors to make any technical changes to the Articles  
of Association that may be required to record the Articles of Association in the
Trade Register.  

3. The Board of Directors' proposal for authorising the Board of Directors to   
acquire treasury shares                                                         

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the   
Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of a maximum of 250,000 treasury
shares in the company. The maximum amount corresponds to approximately 0.89 per 
cent of the total shares and votes on 12 February 2007.                         

Acquisitions based on the authorisation will be made using the company's        
unrestricted equity, which means that the acquisitions will reduce the company's
distributable funds.                                                            

The shares shall be acquired in public trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange   
not in proportion to the shareholders' holdings. The sales price must be based  
on the share price in public trading. The acquisition of shares shall be carried
out in accordance with the regulations and instructions of the Helsinki Stock   
Exchange applicable to the acquisition of treasury shares, including the        
regulations on determining the sales price, settlement of trades and disclosure.
In accordance with Section 15(5) of the Companies Act, it should be noted that  
when acquiring shares by virtue of the authorisation, the minimum consideration 
for a share is the lowest public trading price on the Helsinki Stock Exchange,  
and correspondingly, the maximum consideration is the highest public trading    

Treasury shares can be acquired for the purpose of financing and implementing   
potential acquisitions, other business arrangements or investments, developing  
the company's equity structure, as part of the implementation of an incentive   
scheme in the company or its subsidiaries, or otherwise for further assignment  
or annulment.                                                                   
The authorisation is proposed to be valid until 30 June 2008.

4. Proposal to authorise the Board of Directors to assign treasury shares 

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the   
Board of Directors to decide on the assignment of treasury shares in one or more

The authorisation is proposed to comprise a maximum total of 250,000 shares. The
amount corresponds to approximately 0.89 per cent of total shares and votes on  
12 February 2007.                                                               

According to the proposal, treasury shares in the company's possession may be   
assigned to shareholders in proportion to their existing holdings, or deviating 
from the shareholders' pre-emptive right, through a directed issue if there is a
weighty economic reason for this from the company's point of view, such as using
the shares for the purpose of financing and implementing potential acquisitions,
other business arrangements or investments, developing the company's equity     
structure, as part of the implementation of an incentive scheme in the company  
or its subsidiaries, or otherwise for further assignment or annulment.          

The amount paid for a share transferred from the company's possession shall be  
recognised in the invested unrestricted equity reserve.                         

A directed issue may only be free of charge if there is a particularly weighty  
economic reason for this, taking into account the interests of the company and  
all of its shareholders.                                                        

The authorisation is proposed to include an entitlement for the Board of        
Directors to decide upon the other terms and conditions of assignment and any   
matters associated with the actions.                                            

The authorisation is proposed to be valid until 30 June 2008.  

5. Proposal for the payment of profit bonus to the staff                        

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a profit     
bonus of EUR 85 be paid to the staff of Ponsse Oyj for each complete working    
month in 2006.                                                                  

Financial statement documents and the above-mentioned proposals of the Board of 
Directors will be available for inspection by shareholders at the company's     
premises at Ponssentie 22 in Vieremä for one week prior to the meeting. The     
proposals of the Board of Directors are also available in their entirety on the 
Internet at Copies of the documents will be sent to  
shareholders on request. The Annual Report for 2006 will be published during    
week 12.                                                                        
ELIGIBILITY TO ATTEND                                                           

All shareholders who, on 2 April 2007, are listed in the shareholder register   
kept by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. as company shareholders are  
entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting.                                  

Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting should notify the     
company of their intention to do so by 4 pm Finnish time on Tuesday 10 April    
2007 either by writing to Ponsse Oyj, Share Register, FI-74200 Vieremä, Finland,
by telephone on +358 (0)20 768 800, by fax on +358 (0)20 768 8690, or online at Written notification must arrive before the above-mentioned 
deadline. Any proxy forms should be enclosed with the notification to attend the

PAYMENT OF DIVIDEND                                                             

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that
a dividend of EUR 0.40 per share be paid. The dividend will be paid to          
shareholders registered in the register of shareholders kept by the Finnish     
Central Securities Depository as of the record date, 17 April 2007. The Board of
Directors is to propose to the Annual General Meeting that the dividend be paid 
on 24 April 2007 once the matching period has expired.                          

Ponsse Oyj's shareholders representing more than fifty per cent of the shares   
and votes propose to the Annual General Meeting that the number of Board members
be confirmed as six (6). Furthermore, they are to propose that the present Board
members Nils Hagman, Ilkka Kylävainio, Seppo Remes, Einari Vidgrén and Juha     
Vidgrén be re-appointed as Board members for a new period of office extending to
the closing of the next Annual General Meeting. They are also to propose that   
Maarit Aarni-Sirviö be appointed as a new member of the Board for the same      
period of office. Maarit Aarni-Sirviö, M.Sc. (Tech), MBA, currently serves as   
the director of Borealis Group's Phenol business unit.                          

Said shareholders are to propose that Ernst & Young Oy be re-appointed as the   
company's auditor, with Eero Huusko, Authorised Public Accountant, as the       
principal auditor.                                                              
Vieremä, 16 March 2007                                                          

PONSSE OYJ                                                                      
BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Further information: Mikko Paananen, CFO, +358 400 817 036                      


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