How to boost Sales Conversion Ratios using Metrics - New White Paper

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For too many sales and marketing directors the sales pipeline is opaque - difficult to measure and impossible to forecast accurately, according to a new White Paper on Sales Process Engineering. This opacity is a pressing issue in today’s highly competitive markets that have changed so radically in the last few years.

“What’s happening in the sales pipeline? How can we improve sales conversion ratios? What new business can we forecast for the next Quarter?”  Unless sales and marketing directors understand - and can measure - exactly what’s in the pipeline, then when problems develop at any stage – such as with sales lead conversion ratios, then it’s difficult to identify and diagnose the problem.

Also, when the sales and marketing process is opaque there is no common road-map with which sales teams and marketing teams can align activity: the result is that they operate in ‘silos’, with divergent, often conflicting goals and methods of working. 

Sales Process Engineering is a strategic sales & marketing planning system, developed by PR and marketing agency Rea-TMA Marketing. It enables business owners and sales and marketing professionals to cut costs and maximise margins. Users can engineer a sales & marketing process to match the key stages in each prospect's buying process - to mirror how clients make buying decisions. Services include web marketing, social media and SEO.

Strategically, business development becomes reactive, based on incomplete data, and dictated by budget availability rather than return on investment.

There is now an alternative: directors can structure a sales and marketing strategy to engineer business development into a series of progressive key stages - from market planning through to the sale and repeat business. This approach offers the transparency and metrics required to measure and evaluate everything that goes into and happens within the sales pipeline. All sales and marketing activity can then be integrated and optimised to maximise bid-to-win ratios, revenue and return on investment.  

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Sales Process Engineering
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