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  • As previously announced in Swedish: Saline Water Conversion Corporation has ordered an Absolicon pilot plant to desalinate water with solar heating

As previously announced in Swedish: Saline Water Conversion Corporation has ordered an Absolicon pilot plant to desalinate water with solar heating

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The largest desalination company in the world, state-owned Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) in Saudi Arabia has placed an order with Absolicon for a pilot solar collector field. The purpose is to evaluate Absolicon’s patented solar concentrator T160 for sea water desalination.

Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) is the largest desalination company in the world, producing 4.6 million cubic meters per day. SWCC is a Saudi Government Corporation responsible for the desalination of seawater in the Kingdom.

Desalination is consuming large amounts of oil and gas in the Kingdom. At the same time, the country has high solar insolation and can use solar thermal to run a substantial part of the desalination processes. However, up to now, large scale solar thermal systems has not been implemented in desalination processes in the region.

The solar thermal field now ordered will be operated by the Desalination Technologies & Research Institute owned by SWCC. The institute will evaluate the effectiveness of the Absolicon T160 solar collector in desalination processes under the weather conditions in the region, in particular exposure to soiling and sand.

  • The tests are challenging, but we have a unique design and our patented solar collectors are made with cutting-edge materials. The glass is self-cleaning and we have solar thermal fields operating for 10 years, says Joakim Byström, CEO of Absolicon.

The installation and evaluation of the pilot solar collector field is a cost share project and includes the installation of a 44 m2 solar collector field. The performance of the field will be evaluated over 12 months. Subsequently, the parties are set to introduce the technology widely within SWCC desalination plants in Saudi Arabia.

SCWW desalination plants aim primarily at supplying areas of the region suffering from water scarcity with water through purification and desalination of seawater.

The solar field is planned to be in operation August 2020.

This information is information that Absolicon Solar Collector AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on February 26, 2020.

Joakim Byström vd Absolicon Solar Collector AB

E-post: joakim@absolicon.com
tel: +46-611-557000

Pressbilder: http://www.absolicon.se/nyheter/pressbilder/ 

Absolicon is a listed Swedish solar energy company, specializing in concentrated solar heating. The solar collector T160 operates up to 160°C and has the highest optical efficiency ever measured for a commercially available small parabolic trough. After achieving groundbreaking performance, Absolicon has built two robotized production lines, one in Sweden and one in China that can produce 50 MWp(th) annually, one 5.5 m2 solar collector every six minutes. The company combines solar energy research with sales of solar collector fields to industries that need heat and steam and complete robotic production lines for T160.
