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European commission to grant €5M for research aimed to introduce solar thermal into industries

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Absolicon and Industrial Solar are both winners within the “FRIENDSHIP” consortium, granted 5 million Euro in a research project funded by EU to increase the market for solar thermal in industrial processes.

The European commission has identified that heating industrial processes is a vital part of the low carbon energy economy and has offered research grants to companies and institutions. As the winning research proposals are revealed, Absolicon and Industrial Solar are both beneficiaries in the granted Horizon 2020 project “FRIENDSHIP”. The total funding volume is €5 million.

The consortium is led by the French institute CEA, the other members being Absolicon, RINA, SINTEF, Industrial Solar, NICS, AMIRES, COG, INES Formation, Clariant Produkte and Sonae.

The project will work with a combination of concentrating parabolic collectors with either high temperature heat pumps or linear Fresnel collectors to boost final temperature. Heat can be taken from storage for industrial activities or used in combination with an absorption chiller to provide cooling.

The aim of the FRIENDSHIP project is to increase the temperature delivered to industrial processes by combining several technologies such as concentrating solar thermal technologies, heat pumps, highly efficient absorption chillers and combined storage.

Absolicon’s part of the grant is €650 000 and main task is to do advance research on the combination with solar concentrators in combination with other technologies but also to provide a field of the parabolic solar collectors. The financing from EU is covering 100% of the costs + 25% overhead.

A second consortium also requesting a research grant of 5 million Euro that Absolicon is participating in, Aspire2Sun, also got very good scores in the evaluation and has received notification that is has been put on the reserve list (proposals that might be invited to grant preparation, if higher ranked proposals drop out or additional funding becomes available).

This information is such information that Absolicon Solar Collector AB is obliged to publish in accordance with the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on December 4, 2019.

Joakim Byström CEO Absolicon Solar Collector AB

E-post: joakim@absolicon.com
tel: +46-611-557000

Pressbilder: http://www.absolicon.se/nyheter/pressbilder/ 

Absolicon is a listed Swedish solar energy company, specializing in concentrated solar heating. The solar collector T160 operates up to 160°C and has the highest optical efficiency ever measured for a commercially available small parabolic trough. After achieving groundbreaking performance, Absolicon has built two robotized production lines, one in Sweden and one in China that can produce 50 MWp(th) annually, one 5.5 m2 solar collector every six minutes. The company combines solar energy research with sales of solar collector fields to industries that need heat and steam and complete robotic production lines for T160.


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