Breakthrough for DigniCap™

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Dignitana AB concluded distribution agreement of DigniCap™ in major markets in Europe with Sysmex Europe GmbH, Germany.

Dignitana AB, today announced that Dignitana concluded a Distribution Agreement of DigniCapTMsystem with Sysmex Europe GmbH, a subsidiary of Sysmex Corporation, a global healthcare company listed at the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchange, First Section, Japan.

Under the Distribution Agreement, DigniCapTMsystem will be distributed exclusively in major markets in Europe with the exception of United Kingdom where Dignitana has it own operations.

DignitanaABhas developed its patented scalp cooling device DigniCap™ for reducing hair loss in women undergoing cancer chemotherapy. This scalp cooling system has lately received wide attention at important breast cancer conferences. Clinical investigations have shown this high-tech product to be of great value for women with breast cancer. DigniCap™ is already available in many markets globally. Clinical trials in Germany are ongoing and results from studies in Japan and the UK are to be published. An ongoing large-scale American clinical investigation is expected to give the necessary documentation for registration and market introduction also in theUSA.

Sysmex is an R&D-centered company in the healthcare field. Besides being the global market leader in hematology the company has a strong focus on creating new diagnostic technologies in the area of life sciences. Recently launched lab service technologies are predicting cancer recurrence and anticancer drug sensitivity.

Sysmex has introduced successfully a molecular method for intra-operative diagnosis of lymph node metastases in breast cancer patients called One Step Nucleic Acid amplification (OSNA). The test not only allows a dramatic reduction of second surgeries for the resection of axillary lymph nodes, the quantitative molecular assessment also allows indication of the size of metastases as well as a prediction of the axillary status.

The OSNA application is currently expanded to the area of colon cancer as the assay has shown to be applicable and useful for the sensitive detection of metastases in colon cancer patients allowing an ideal basis for the choice of treatment options.

Both, Dignitana AB and Sysmex have their strong interest in cancer in common and Dignitana is looking forward to exploiting the synergy possibilities in future with a healthcare leading company like Sysmex.

Martin Waleij, President and CEO of Dignitana AB comments:

“Dignitana will benefit from working closely with Sysmex and its high-tech profile within the life science field. The two companies have common technological and clinical interests in establishing the DigniCap system together with the Sysmex technologies in advancing the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer patients in Europe. This cooperation will further enhance the reputation of DigniCap™ and facilitate the introduction of our product in further markets.”

“Continuously seeking for solutions to help our professional customers treating and helping their patients increasingly better is our strive” says Michael Schaefer, President of Sysmex Europe. “With DigniCap we believe we can add more quality to patients’ life’s whilst they are treated for the disease. Realizing such quality improvement and seeing patients getting happier even during such hard times encourages us to further enhance our portfolio - to get a bit better, every day. And with a partner like Dignitana - devoted to such mission - we feel well accompanied for future improvements.”

For further information

Martin Waleij, CEO

Dignitana AB

Tel.: 46 733  93 70 76



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