Ideas and consequences of market principles in education:The Swedish case in an international perspective

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A symposium on the themes: consequences of school choice for the efficiency and equity of schooling and the consequences of market principles for systems of governance, accountability and the teaching professions.

Since the 1980s many educational systems throughout the world have been transformed through decentralization and deregulation of decision making and organization of schooling. The Swedish educational system was in the late 1980s one of the most centralized school systems in the world, but after a series of changes it had by the mid 1990s been transformed into one of the most decentralized systems. Against this background there is reason to take advantage of international and national research on determinants of efficiency and equity of schooling. We have invited international and national researchers from different disciplines to present and discuss their findings. This should help establish a more solid foundation of knowledge for Swedish educational policy discussions.

Sandra McNally, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
Henry M. Levin, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, USA
Herbert Altrichter, Department of Education and Psychology, University of Linz, Austria.
Wynne Harlen, The Graduate School of Education of the University of Bristol, UK.
Patrik Scheinin, The Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Lisbeth Lundahl, Department of Applied Educational Science, University of Umeå, Sweden.

Datum: 11 ­– 12 mars 2013
Plats: Beijersalen, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
Adress: Lilla Frescativägen 4A
Kostnad: Symposiet är kostnadsfritt och öppet för allmänheten.

Presskontakt och anmälan:
Perina Stjernlöf, presskontakt, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, 08-673 95 44, 070-673 96 50,

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, stiftad år 1739, är en oberoende organisation som har till uppgift att främja vetenskaperna och stärka deras
nflytande i samhället. Akademien tar särskilt ansvar för naturvetenskap och matematik, men strävar efter att öka utbytet mellan olika discipliner



Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien inbjuder till ett symposium om vad som händer då den fria marknaden får styra grundskolan. Några av världens ledade forskare inom området deltar. Blir grundskolan mer effektiv och rättvis när eleverna själva får välja skola? Hur påverkas skolans ledning, deras ansvar och lärarnas profession av att marknadsprinciper styr?
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