Cleantech Invest deltar i övertecknad emission i Savosolar, som attraherar 4,2 MEUR
Savosolar har stängt en emission som övertecknades. Cleantech Invest investerade 150 000 EUR. Dessutom investerade Clean Future Fund (CFF) 20 000 EUR. Cleantech Invest äger 36.8% av CFF. Cleantech invest totala ägarandel innan emissionen var 14,2% och blir 7,2% efter emissionen.
Savosolar är noterat på Nasdaq First North Sweden and Finland. För full information och företagets press release, se:
Alexander Lidgren, CEO. Tel. +46 73 660 1007
Access Partners Oy, Certified Advisor. Tel: +358 9 6829 500
Jari Varjotie, CEO, Savo-Solar Oyj. Tel: +358 400 419 734
Cleantech Invest focuses on clean energy and efficient use of natural resources. The company has minority ownerships in a diversified portfolio of companies and is actively looking for new capital light and high impact businesses within the cleantech universe. Cleantech Invest invests in the most promising early-stage and growth cleantech companies in Finland, Sweden and in the Baltic Sea area. The company management team members are international pioneers in cleantech investing. Cleantech Invest is also a designated Accelerator in the Vigo Program initiated by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.