Södra grants SEK 1.7 million to new research projects

In recent years, the Södra Foundation for Research, Development and Education has distributed SEK 10-12 million per year to new research and development projects. Pulp grade, conservation values and seed cultivation are now the focus as a further SEK 1.7 million is distributed. To date in 2016, research projects for SEK 4.2 million have been approved.
The mission of the Södra Foundation for Research, Development and Education is to promote research and education of significance to forestry, and forest industry operations, in Southern Sweden. At the most recent Board meeting, support was approved for three new projects. The projects being granted funding comprise relevant and important research and development areas for both forestry and the pulp industry, as well as support for the arrangement of an international conference on seed cultivation.
Projects granted funding
“Higher pulp yield without additives in cooking,” Elisabeth Brännvall och Anna Jacobs, Innventia AB, Stockholm, SEK 662,000
This project is aimed at increasing understanding of the impact of process conditions impact on reactions that lead to carbon dioxide losses during chemical pulp production. The aim is to achieve a higher pulp yield without additives in cooking by controlling the process conditions so that carbohydrate losses are minimised.
“Nature conservation management of general consideration in conjunction with first thinning,” Per Westerfelt, the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Uppsala, SEK 971,000
This project will document the need for nature conservation management in accordance with general consideration in conjunction with first thinning as submitted earlier. Furthermore, there will be a study of how conservation values are strengthened by nature conservation management and proposals will be made for future routines regarding nature conservation management in areas of special consideration and edge zones.
- "Funding application for the conference project Seed Orchards – The Key to a Sustainable Bio-based Economy,” Thomas Funda, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå and Curt Almqvist, the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Uppsala, SEK 50,000
The Research Foundation is contributing in this manner to the establishment of an international conference on research into seed cultivation and seed orchards. This conference is scheduled for 2017 and is being arranged by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden in partnership.
In recent years, the Foundation has distributed SEK 10-12 million per year to various projects.
For further information, please contact:
Göran Örlander, Chairman of the Research Foundation
Tel: +46 (0)705-909 483
Laila Rogestedt, Senior Vice President Innovation and New Business
Tel: +46 (0)340- 633 460
The mission of the Södra Foundation for Research, Development and Education is to promote research and education of significance to forestry, and forest industry operations, in Southern Sweden.
The projects that are granted funding include fields of research and development that are relevant and important for both forestry and the forest industry. Since the inception of the Foundation in 1995, some 150 research projects have been awarded grants. The findings of the research projects have been significant both from a social perspective, and for the forest industry.
The Foundation holds four Board meetings per year, at which grant applications are considered.
Södra was founded in 1938 and is the largest forest-owner association in Sweden, with a membership of more than 50,000 forest owners. We engage in modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra is leading the way for the next generation of forestry.