Stora Enso Interim Review January-September 2011

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STORA ENSO OYJ INTERIM REVIEW 21 October 2011 at 13.00 EET


  • EUR 204 million quarterly operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations, EUR 51 million lower year-on-year due to cost inflation and unfavourable exchange rates, partially offset by clearly higher sales prices.
  • Profit before tax negatively impacted by EUR 128 million NRI related to NewPage.
  • Strong quarterly cash flow after capital expenditure at EUR 282 million due to working capital management, liquidity improved at EUR 1 181 million.
  • Production curtailments to control inventory levels increased in Q3 and will continue in Q4.
  • Q4 operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations forecast to be somewhat lower year on year.
  • Completed Inpac acquisition, Montes del Plata project and containerboard investment in Poland progressing as planned.
  • Strong financial and cash position gives a solid platform to pursue selected growth.


Summary of Third Quarter Results

    Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10
Sales EUR million 2 739.3 2 817.1 2 623.6
EBITDA excl. NRI and fair valuations EUR million 339.2 357.6 365.8
Operating Profit excl. NRI and Fair Valuations EUR million 204.2 228.3 255.0
Operating profit  (IFRS) EUR million 176.1 184.7 276.9
Profit before tax excl. NRI EUR million 110.9 181.8 220.4
Loss/profit before tax EUR million -17.3 150.1 225.8
Net profit excl. NRI EUR million 78.3 164.1 188.9
Net loss/profit EUR million -49.9 136.0 194.3
EPS excl. NRI EUR 0.10 0.21 0.23
EPS EUR -0.06 0.17 0.25
CEPS excl. NRI EUR 0.27 0.39 0.40
ROCE excl. NRI and fair valuations % 9.3 10.4 12.4

Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in equity accounted investments.
NRI = Non-recurring items. These are exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations. The most common non-recurring items are capital gains, additional write-downs, or reversals of write-downs, provisions for planned restructuring and penalties. Non-recurring items are normally specified individually if they exceed one cent per share.

Compared with Q3/2010

Product Market Demand Price
Consumer board Europe stable higher
Industrial packaging Europe stable significantly higher
Newsprint Europe weaker significantly higher
Coated magazine paper Europe slightly weaker higher
Uncoated magazine paper Europe slightly weaker higher
Coated fine paper Europe weaker slightly lower
Uncoated fine paper Europe slightly weaker higher
Wood products Europe weaker stable


Industry inventories were slightly lower for magazine paper, lower for coated fine paper, unchanged for newsprint and wood products, and significantly higher for uncoated fine paper.


Compared with Q2/2011

Product Market Demand Price
Consumer board Europe weaker stable
Industrial packaging Europe stable stable
Newsprint Europe significantly weaker stable
Coated magazine paper Europe slightly weaker stable
Uncoated magazine paper Europe significantly stronger stable
Coated fine paper Europe stronger slightly lower
Uncoated fine paper Europe weaker stable
Wood products Europe significantly weaker slightly lower

Industry inventories were significantly lower for coated fine paper, lower for uncoated magazine paper and wood products, unchanged for coated magazine paper, slightly higher for uncoated fine paper and significantly higher for newsprint.

Stora Enso Deliveries and Production

  Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Paper and board deliveries (1 000 tonnes) 2 609 2 609 2 717 10 758 7 724 8 034 -4.0 0.0 -3.9
Paper and board production (1 000 tonnes) 2 586 2 630 2 686 10 812 7 834 8 147 -3.7 -1.7 -3.8
Wood products deliveries (1 000 m3) 1 234 1 423 1 333 5 198 3 895 3 939 -7.4 -13.3 -1.1
Market pulp deliveries
(1 000 tonnes)
281 247 242 1 009 841 764 16.1 13.8 10.1
Corrugated packaging deliveries (million m2) 256 242 250 1 027 745 756 2.4 5.8 -1.5

Breakdown of Sales Change Q3/2010 to Q3/2011

Q3/10, EUR million 2 623.6
Price and mix, % 5
Currency, % -1
Volume, % 1
Other sales*, % -
Total before structural changes, % 5
Structural change**, % -1
Total, % 4
Q3/11, EUR million 2 739.3

*Wood, energy, RCP, by-products etc.
**Asset closures, major investments, divestments and acquisitions

Key Figures

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 2010 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 2 739.3 2 817.1 2 623.6 8 283.3 7 611.7 10 296.9 4.4 -2.8 8.8
EBITDA excl. NRI and fair valuations 339.2 357.6 365.8 1 065.1 927.7 1 216.5 -7.3 -5.1 14.8
Operating profit excl. NRI and fair valuations 204.2 228.3 255.0 680.5 587.3 754.1 -19.9 -10.6 15.9
Operating margin excl. NRI and fair valuations, % 7.5 8.1 9.7 8.2 7.7 7.3 -22.7 -7.4 6.5
Operating profit (IFRS) 176.1 184.7 276.9 598.0 615.9 1 026.8 -36.4 -4.7 -2.9
Operating margin (IFRS), % 6.4 6.6 10.6 7.2 8.1 10.0 -39.6 -3.0 -11.1
Profit before tax excl. NRI 110.9 181.8 220.4 505.9 558.7 745.7 -49.7 -39.0 -9.5
Loss/profit before tax -17.3 150.1 225.8 318.8 536.7 925.9 -107.7 -111.5 -40.6
Net profit for the period excl. NRI 78.3 164.1 188.9 417.7 478.3 627.0 -58.5 -52.3 -12.7
Net loss/profit for the period -49.9 136.0 194.3 242.0 456.3 769.3 -125.7 -136.7 -47.0
Capital expenditure 79.9 85.4 73.5 222.6 261.6 400.4 8.7 -6.4 -14.9
Depreciation and impairment charges excl. NRI 138.4 140.1 132.7 413.9 387.0 529.4 4.3 -1.2 7.0
ROCE excl. NRI and fair valuations, % 9.3 10.4 12.4 10.5 9.8 9.2 -25.0 -10.6 7.1
ROCE excl. NRI, % 8.0 9.8 13.2 10.1 10.6 10.3 -39.4 -18.4 -4.7
Earnings per share (EPS) excl. NRI, EUR 0.10 0.21 0.23 0.53 0.60 0.79 -56.5 -52.4 -11.7
EPS (basic), EUR -0.06 0.17 0.25 0.31 0.58 0.97 -124.0 -135.3 -46.6
Cash earnings per share (CEPS) excl. NRI, EUR 0.27 0.39 0.40 1.05 1.09 1.46 -32.5 -30.8 -3.7
CEPS, EUR 0.12 0.35 0.43 0.86 1.06 1.33 -72.1 -65.7 -18.9
Return on equity (ROE), % -3.2 8.6 13.8 5.3 11.1 13.5 -123.2 -137.2 -52.3
Debt/equity ratio 0.45 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.43 0.39 4.7 9.8 4.7
Equity per share, EUR 7.53 7.90 7.27 7.53 7.27 7.87 3.6 -4.7 3.6
Equity ratio, % 46.5 48.5 45.8 46.5 45.8 48.0 1.5 -4.1 1.5
Average number of employees 28 771 27 019 27 785 27 458 27 595 27 383 3.5 6.5 -0.5
Average number of shares (million)                  
  periodic 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      
  cumulative 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      
  cumulative, diluted 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6 788.6      

NRI = Non-recurring items. These are exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations. The most common non-recurring items are capital gains, additional write-downs or reversals of write-downs, provisions for planned restructuring and penalties. Non-recurring items are normally specified individually if they exceed one cent per share.
Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights, and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in equity accounted investments.


Reconciliation of Operating Profit

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Profit from operations, excl. NRI and fair valuations 200.8 217.5 233.1 687.1 651.2 540.7 -13.9 -7.7 20.4
Equity accounted investments, operational,
excl. fair valuations
3.4 10.8 21.9 67.0 29.3 46.6 -84.5 -68.5 -37.1
Operating Profit excl. NRI and
Fair Valuations
204.2 228.3 255.0 754.1 680.5 587.3 -19.9 -10.6 15.9
Fair valuations -28.1 -11.9 16.5 92.5 -23.6 50.6 -270.3 -136.1 -146.6
Operating Profit, excl. NRI 176.1 216.4 271.5 846.6 656.9 637.9 -35.1 -18.6 3.0
NRI on operating profit - -31.7 5.4 180.2 -58.9 -22.0 -100.0 100.0 -167.7
Operating Profit (IFRS) 176.1 184.7 276.9 1 026.8 598.0 615.9 -36.4 -4.7 -2.9

Q3/2011 Results (compared with Q3/2010)
Operating profit at EUR 204 million excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations was EUR 51 million lower than a year ago. This represents an operating margin of 7.5% (9.7%).

Price increases in local currencies and a favourable product mix increased operating profit by EUR 142 million, but lower volumes reduced operating profit by EUR 31 million. Paper and board production was curtailed by 9% (8%) and sawnwood production by 8% (5%) of capacity.

The costs of chemicals, fibre, transportation and other variable raw materials were higher than a year ago, but productivity improvements and cost savings partly compensated for the cost increases. The overall net impact of the increase in variable costs in local currencies was a negative EUR 92 million. The net impact of market pulp remained strong and similar to a year ago.

Fixed costs were similar to the third quarter of 2010. Increased depreciation had a negative impact of EUR 11 million due to impairment reversals recorded in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Exchange rates had negative impacts on sales and on costs totalling EUR 29 million, after hedges. In addition, exchange rates had a negative impact of EUR 12 million on equity accounted investments mainly due to valuation of Veracel loans denominated in US dollars.

The share of the operational results of equity accounted investments amounted to EUR 3 (EUR 22) million.

The Group recorded a provision of EUR 128 (USD 180) million as a negative financial non-recurring item in arriving at profit before tax in the third quarter of 2011 due to NewPage Corporation’s Chapter 11 filing in the USA as announced on 7 September 2011.

Net financial items were EUR -193 (EUR -51) million. Net interest expenses increased from EUR 24 million to EUR 36 million. Net foreign exchange losses amounted to EUR 11 (EUR 18) million and the net loss from other financial items totalled EUR 146 (EUR 9) million, including a negative EUR 128 million provision due to the NewPage lease guarantee as described above. The remaining loss of EUR 18 million was mainly related to the fair valuation of interest rate derivatives.

Group capital employed was EUR 8 665 million on 30 September 2011, a net increase of EUR 439 million mainly due to an increase of EUR 250 million in operative working capital, EUR 240 million of impairment reversal in the fourth quarter of 2010, increased value in equity accounted investments of EUR 120 million mainly due to equity injection into the Montes del Plata pulp mill project, EUR 70 million for the Inpac acquisition and an increase of EUR 50 million in the PVO valuation. The increase was partly offset by EUR 230 million due to low capital expenditure compared with depreciation and by EUR 90 million due to weakening of the Brazilian real, Swedish krona and Polish zloty.

January–September 2011 Results (compared with January–September 2010)
Sales increased by EUR 672 million year-on-year to EUR 8 283 million. O
perating profit excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations increased by EUR 93 million to EUR 681 million. Significantly higher sales prices in local currencies and a favourable product mix more than compensated for higher variable costs and unfavourable exchange rate trends.

Q3/2011 Results (compared with Q2/2011)
Sales were EUR 78 million down on the previous quarter at EUR 2 739 million. Operating profit excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations was EUR 24 million lower than in the previous quarter at EUR 204 million. Reductions in fixed costs could not compensate for significantly higher production curtailments to manage inventory.

Capital Structure

EUR million 30 Sep 11 30 June 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
Operative fixed assets 6 155.1 6 289.1 6 445.2 6 065.7
Equity accounted investments 1 726.8 1 716.0 1 744.0 1 656.7
Operative working capital, net 1 586.5 1 653.0 1 399.3 1 389.5
Non-current interest-free items, net -435.6 -450.9 -493.9 -474.3
Operating Capital Total 9 032.8 9 207.2 9 094.6 8 637.6
Net tax liabilities -367.4 -368.2 -429.9 -411.2
Capital Employed 8 665.4 8 839.0 8 664.7 8 226.4
Equity attributable to Company shareholders 5 934.5 6 229.2 6 202.9 5 731.4
Non-controlling interests 83.4 49.1 51.8 50.2
Net interest-bearing liabilities 2 647.5 2 560.7 2 410.0 2 444.8
Financing Total 8 665.4 8 839.0 8 664.7 8 226.4

Financing Q3/2011 (compared with Q2/2011)
Cash flow from operations was strong at EUR 362 (EUR 207) million due to working capital management. Cash flow after investing activities was EUR 282 (EUR 122) million. Interest-bearing net liabilities of the Group increased by EUR 87 million to EUR 2 648 million due to the NewPage lease guarantee provision and the Inpac acquisition.

Total unutilised committed credit facilities were unchanged at EUR 700 million, and cash and cash equivalents net of overdrafts remained strong at EUR 1 181 million, which is EUR 185 million more than for the previous quarter. In addition, Stora Enso has access to various long-term sources of funding up to EUR 550 million.

In September 2011 Stora Enso raised a long-term loan of EUR 30 million from IKB Deutsche Industriebank to finance the newsprint machine investment at Sachsen Mill in Germany announced in December 2010.

The debt/equity ratio at 30 September 2011 was 0.45 (0.41) following the NewPage lease guarantee provision of EUR 128 million posted during the third quarter and presented as a financial liability, the negative EUR 96 million currency effect on owners’ equity net of the hedging of equity translation risks and the EUR 86 million decrease in the PVO valuation. 

Cash Flow

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11–Q2/11 Change %
Operating profit 176.1 184.7 276.9 1 026.8 598.0 615.9 -36.4 -4.7 -2.9
Depreciation and other non-cash items 145.7 182.5 100.2 172.4 432.8 302.7 45.4 -20.2 43.0
Change in working capital 40.1 -160.0 -73.2 -207.1 -298.8 -191.0 154.8 125.1 -56.4
Cash Flow from Operations 361.9 207.2 303.9 992.1 732.0 727.6 19.1 74.7 0.6
Capital expenditure -79.9 -85.4 -73.5 -400.4 -222.6 -261.6 -8.7 6.4 14.9
Cash Flow after Investing Activities 282.0 121.8 230.4 591.7 509.4 466.0 22.4 131.5 9.3

Capital Expenditure for January–September 2011
Capital expenditure for the first three quarters of 2011 totalled EUR 223 million, which is 51% of depreciation in the same period. The capital expenditure forecast for the Group for the full year 2011 has changed from the second quarter 2011 estimate of EUR 500 million to approximately EUR 450 million with no impact on strategic project timings. Annual depreciation in 2011 will be about EUR 560 million. The equity injection into Montes del Plata, a joint venture in Uruguay, will be approximately EUR 120 million. Close to 80% of capital expenditure including equity injections is allocated for the strategic high-return growth areas in 2011.

The main projects during the first three quarters of 2011 were power plants, the
Ostrołęka containerboard machine and the Skoghall woodyard investment.

Near-term Outlook
Demand (compared with Q4/2010)

Demand for consumer board is forecast to be weaker than a year ago, as well as seasonally weaker than in the previous quarter. Demand is forecast to be slightly weaker for industrial packaging. Demand in Europe is expected to be significantly weaker for newsprint and coated magazine paper, and weaker for uncoated magazine paper. Demand is forecast to be stable for coated fine paper and slightly weaker for uncoated fine paper. Weaker demand for wood products is anticipated.

Prices (compared with Q3/2011)
Prices are expected to be stable for consumer board and lower for industrial packaging. In Europe prices are forecast to be stable for newsprint, magazine paper and coated fine paper, slightly lower for uncoated fine paper and lower for wood products.

In Consumer Board proactive reduction of customer and own inventories is expected to lead to significantly lower operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations year-on-year.

The Group expects its cost inflation excluding internal actions to remain unchanged at approximately 4% for the full year 2011. Actions continue to mitigate cost inflation. Production curtailments to control inventory levels increased in the third quarter and will continue in the fourth quarter of 2011. In the fourth quarter of 2011, as in the third quarter, foreign exchange rates are expected to have a negative impact on the results.

In the fourth quarter of 2011 year-on-year higher pricing is forecast to be more than offset by diminishing cost inflation and significant production curtailments, and the Group’s operating profit excluding NRI and fair valuations is forecast to be somewhat lower than in the fourth quarter of 2010.

Segments Q3/11 compared with Q3/10

Consumer Board
Consumer Board manufactures all major types of consumer board, such as liquid packaging board, food service board, graphical board and cartonboard for packaging food, cigarettes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and luxury products.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11–Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11–Q1-Q3/10
Sales 626.2 662.2 593.8 2 314.7 1 935.4 1 703.2 5.5 -5.4 13.6
EBITDA* 102.2 122.8 109.8 410.4 359.1 320.3 -6.9 -16.8 12.1
Operating profit* 64.4 84.5 77.6 277.1 244.7 225.0 -17.0 -23.8 8.8
 % of sales 10.3 12.8 13.1 12.0 12.6 13.2 -21.4 -19.5 -4.5
ROOC, %** 17.5 22.6 24.1 21.1 22.3 24.3 -27.4 -22.6 -8.2
Paper and board deliveries, 1 000 t*** 583 627 594 2 326 1 804 1 735 -1.9 -7.0 4.0
Paper and board production, 1 000 t*** 575 603 579 2 367 1 823 1 771 -0.7 -4.6 2.9
Market pulp deliveries, 1 000 t 112 98 86  388 330 283  30.2 14.3 16.6

* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital
*** Excluding pulp


  • The Skoghall Mill in Sweden investment project is proceeding according to plan.
  • There will be an annual maintenance stoppage at Skoghall Mill during the fourth quarter of 2011.


Consumer board sales were EUR 626 million, up 6% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 64 million, down EUR 13 million on the third quarter of 2010. Higher variable and fixed costs, higher depreciation and lower board volumes caused by inventory management were not fully compensated by higher sales prices and higher market pulp volumes.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Consumer board Europe stable weaker higher stable

Industrial Packaging
Industrial Packaging manufactures corrugated packaging and containerboard, cores and coreboard, and also paper sacks, and sack and kraft paper.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 253.8 240.0 225.4 949.5 737.2 707.8 12.6 5.8 4.2
EBITDA* 34.3 33.3 30.2 114.0 99.8 79.7 13.6 3.0 25.2
Operating profit* 20.1 19.5 18.7 65.5 59.0 43.5 7.5 3.1 35.6
 % of sales 7.9 8.1 8.3 6.9 8.0 6.1 -4.8 -2.5 31.1
ROOC, %** 11.6 11.7 12.0 11.0 11.7 9.8 -3.3 -0.9 19.4
Paper and board deliveries, 1 000 t 189 194 196 864 588 669 -3.6 -2.6 -12.1
Paper and board production, 1 000 t 193 195 196 871 594 677 -1.5 -1.0 -12.3
Corrugated packaging deliveries, million m2 256 242 250 1 027 745 756 2.4 5.8 -1.5
Corrugated packaging production, million m2 251 242 253 1 033 742 761 -0.8 3.7 -2.5

* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital

·         Stora Enso completed the acquisition of 51% of the Chinese packaging company Inpac International in July 2011. The integration is proceeding well and additional business is anticipated.

Industrial packaging sales were EUR 254 million, up 13% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 20 million, up 8% on the previous year as higher sales prices in local currencies more than offset raw material cost increases.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Industrial packaging Europe stable stable significantly higher stable


Newsprint and Book Paper
Newsprint and Book Paper manufactures a wide range of standard and improved newsprint, and book and directory paper grades.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 330.7 334.6 322.9 1 261.6 979.8 935.4 2.4 -1.2 4.7
EBITDA* 56.6 50.4 23.6 80.6 152.4 60.0 139.8 12.3 154.0
Operating profit/loss* 33.6 27.5 0.1 -10.8 87.1 -8.1 n/m 22.2 n/m
 % of sales 10.2 8.2 0.0 -0.9 8.9 -0.9 n/m 24.4 n/m
ROOC, %** 14.5 11.6 0.0 -1.1 12.5 -1.1 n/m 25.0 n/m
Paper deliveries, 1 000 t 574 585 649 2 576 1 713 1 918 -11.6 -1.9 -10.7
Paper production, 1 000 t 577 581 653 2 554 1 716 1 935 -11.6 -0.7 -11.3

* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital

·         Industry inventories were similar to the third quarter of 2010 but significantly higher than in the previous quarter.

Newsprint and book paper sales were EUR 331 million, up 2% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 34 million, up EUR 34 million on the previous year as higher sales prices in local currencies and lower fixed costs more than offset variable cost increases, mainly in RCP. Volumes were lower than a year earlier as the permanent shutdown of the newsprint machines at Varkaus Mill in Finland at the end of the third quarter of 2010 and the newsprint machine at Maxau Mill in Germany at the end of November 2010 reduced production volumes.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Newsprint Europe weaker significantly weaker significantly higher stable
Newsprint Overseas weaker stable slightly higher slightly higher

Magazine Paper
Magazine Paper manufactures uncoated magazine paper mainly for periodicals and advertising, and coated matt, silk and glossy magazine paper for specialist and general interest magazines, supplements, home shopping catalogues and magazine covers.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 562.0 517.2 541.0 2 054.2 1 561.2 1 506.7 3.9 8.7 3.6
EBITDA* 74.1 58.7 71.1 191.9 187.1 144.4 4.2 26.2 29.6
Operating profit* 48.3 33.9 45.5 90.9 110.4 71.4 6.2 42.5 54.6
 % of sales 8.6 6.6 8.4 4.4 7.1 4.7 2.4 30.3 51.1
ROOC, %** 14.4 10.1 13.7 7.1 10.9 7.3 5.1 42.6 49.3
Paper deliveries, 1 000 t*** 641 577 613 2 396 1 721 1 737 4.6 11.1 -0.9
Paper production, 1 000 t*** 619 601 616 2 398 1 778 1 780 0.5 3.0 -0.1
Market pulp deliveries, 1 000 t 131 128 141  526 410 413  -7.1 2.3 -0.7

* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital
*** Excluding pulp


  • Kvarnsveden Mill in Sweden has launched a new uncoated magazine paper grade with a combination of high brightness and superior gloss.
  • Industry inventories were slightly lower than a year ago, and similar to the previous quarter for coated magazine paper and lower than in the previous quarter for uncoated magazine paper.
  • The annual maintenance stoppage at Sunila Pulp Mill in Finland is scheduled during the fourth quarter of 2011.


The Magazine Paper segment’s sales were EUR 562 million, up 4% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 48 million, up EUR 3 million on a year ago as higher sales prices in local currencies more than offset increases in variable costs and unfavourable exchange rate trends.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Coated magazine paper Europe slightly weaker slightly weaker higher stable
Coated magazine paper Latin America stable stronger slightly higher stable
Uncoated magazine paper Europe slightly weaker significantly stronger higher stable
Uncoated magazine paper China significantly stronger weaker slightly higher slightly lower

Fine Paper
Fine Paper manufactures high quality graphic and office paper for printers and publishers, merchants, envelope converters, office equipment manufacturers and office suppliers.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 529.6 532.2 563.3 2 125.7 1 625.1 1 592.2 -6.0 -0.5 2.1
EBITDA* 60.4 71.5 90.8 344.5 234.3 253.9 -33.5 -15.5 -7.7
Operating profit* 37.8 48.7 70.9 259.4 166.4 191.8 -46.7 -22.4 -13.2
 % of sales 7.1 9.2 12.6 12.2 10.2 12.0 -43.7 -22.8 -15.0
ROOC, %** 15.8 20.2 30.5 27.4 23.3 27.9 -48.2 -21.8 -16.5
Paper deliveries, 1 000 t*** 622 626 665 2 596 1 898 1 975 -6.5 -0.6 -3.9
Paper production, 1 000 t*** 622 650 642 2 622 1 923 1 984 -3.1 -4.3 -3.1
Market Pulp deliveries, 1 000 t 38 21 15  95 101 68  153.3 81.0 48.5


* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital
*** Excluding pulp


  • Product swaps between coated fine paper mills have resulted in improved flexibility in capacity utilisation. Uetersen Mill in Germany will increase speciality paper production and at the same time Stora Enso will reduce standard woodfree coated fine paper production capacity by approximately 140 000 tonnes annually.
  • Cost-efficiency improvements are ongoing at various mills.
  • Industry inventories for coated fine paper were lower than a year ago and significantly lower than in the previous quarter.
  • Industry inventories for uncoated fine paper were significantly higher than a year ago and slightly higher than in the previous quarter.
  • The annual maintenance stoppage at Veitsiluoto Mill in Finland will be in the fourth quarter of 2011.
  • Production curtailments are anticipated in the fourth quarter to secure cash flow and balance inventories.


Fine paper sales were EUR 530 million, down 6% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 38 million, down EUR 33 million on the previous year as higher sales prices in local currencies could not fully compensate for higher variable costs, mainly for chemicals, unfavourable exchange rate trends, lower volumes and early production curtailments to manage inventories. Annual maintenance stoppages at Suzhou Mill in China, and Varkaus and Oulu mills in Finland were completed during the third quarter 2011.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Coated fine paper Europe weaker stronger slightly lower slightly lower
Coated fine paper China stronger stronger slightly lower lower
Uncoated fine paper Europe slightly weaker weaker higher stable

Wood Products
Wood Products manufactures wood-based products for construction and interior decoration, and solid biofuels for the energy sector. Its recyclable products are made from high quality renewable European pine or spruce.

EUR million
Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 2010 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 414.0 465.4 424.1 1 588.7 1 289.1 1 178.4 -2.4 -11.0 9.4
EBITDA* 19.6 44.7 35.2 110.7 86.9 89.6 -44.3 -56.2 -3.0
Operating profit* 9.8 35.2 25.2 70.9 56.8 60.7 -61.1 -72.2 -6.4
 % of sales 2.4 7.6 5.9 4.5 4.4 5.2 -59.3 -68.4 -15.4
ROOC, %** 6.7 23.9 16.8 12.3 13.0 13.8 -60.1 -72.0 -5.8
Deliveries, 1 000 m3 1 199 1 379 1 299 5 057 3 777 3 834 -7.7 -13.1 -1.5

* Excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations ** ROOC = 100% x Operating profit/Operating capital


  • Wood Products is taking several actions to mitigate margin deterioration:

The permanent closure of Kopparfors Sawmill in Sweden has been brought forward to October, instead of the end of 2011 as previously announced, but the pellet mill will remain in operation until the end of 2011.

It is planned to restructure part of the further processing operations at Honkalahti Sawmill in Finland during the fourth quarter of 2011.

There is pressure for further curtailments at several sites in Europe subject to product and raw material development. All authorisations for temporary lay-offs are already in place in Finland and shift reductions have been implemented in Austria.

  • Industry inventories were similar to a year ago and lower than in the previous quarter.
  • Stora Enso will build a new combined heat and power (CHP) plant at Zdírec Sawmill in the Czech Republic. The EUR 21 million investment will optimise energy production and usage at the mill by boosting its heat supply.
  • Major cross-laminated timber (CLT) projects are ongoing in London and Vienna. In September Stora Enso announced that Wood Products will participate in construction of the Finnish Nature Centre Haltia in Espoo, which will be the first public building constructed of CLT in Finland.
  • Stora Enso plans to undertake a unique wooden construction project in Helsinki called Wood City in collaboration with the construction company SRV.


Wood Products sales were EUR 414 million, down 2% on the third quarter of 2010. Operating profit was EUR 10 million, down EUR 15 million on a year earlier mainly due to lower volumes.


Product Market Demand Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Demand Q3/11 compared with Q2/11 Price Q3/11 compared with Q3/10 Price Q3/11 compared with Q2/11
Wood products Europe weaker significantly weaker stable slightly lower
Wood products Asia, Middle East and North Africa significantly weaker significantly weaker stable stable

Short-term Risks and Uncertainties
The main short-term risks and uncertainties are related to continuing economic uncertainty and its potential impact on demand for the Group’s products.

Energy sensitivity analysis for 2011: the direct effect on 2011 operating profit of a 10% increase in electricity, heat, oil and other fossil fuel market prices would be about negative EUR 22 million annual impact, after the effect of hedges.

Wood sensitivity analysis for 2011: the direct effect on 2011 operating profit of a 10% increase in wood prices would be about negative EUR 230 million annual impact.

Pulp sensitivity analysis for 2011: the direct effect on 2011 operating profit of a 10% increase in yearly average pulp prices would be about positive EUR 54 million annual impact.

A decrease of energy, wood or pulp prices would have the opposite impact.

Foreign exchange rates sensitivity analysis for the next twelve months: the direct effect on operating profit of a 10% strengthening in the value of the US dollar, Swedish krona and British pound against the euro would be approximately positive EUR 104 million, negative EUR 79 million and positive EUR 57 million annual impact, respectively. Weakening of the currencies would have the opposite impact. These numbers are before the effect of hedges and assuming no changes occur other than a single currency exchange rate movement.

Third Quarter Events
On 30 September 2011 Stora Enso announced that the Montes del Plata pulp mill project, a joint venture with Arauco, was proceeding and the external financing for the project had been finalised. Montes del Plata has signed the loan agreements and as part of the financing arrangements, Stora Enso has signed an agreement to guarantee 50% of USD 1 354 million of loans raised by Montes del Plata. Stora Enso’s 50% share of the total guarantee will be a maximum of USD 677 million (EUR 498 million).

On 11 July 2008 Stora Enso announced that a federal judge in Brazil had issued a decision claiming that the permits issued by the State of Bahia for the operations of Stora Enso’s equity accounted investment Veracel were not valid. The judge also ordered Veracel to take certain actions, including reforestation with native trees on part of Veracel’s plantations and a possible BRL 20 million (EUR 9 million) fine. Veracel disputes the decision and has filed an appeal against it. Veracel operates in full compliance with all Brazilian laws and has obtained all the necessary environmental and operating licences for its industrial and forestry activities from the competent authorities. In November 2008 a Federal Court suspended the effects of the decision. Veracel has not recorded any provision for the reforestation or the possible fine.

On 30 September 2009 a judge in the State of Bahia issued an interim decision ordering the State Government of Bahia not to grant Veracel further plantation licences in the municipality of Eunápolis in response to claims by a state prosecutor that Veracel’s plantations exceeded the legal limits, which Veracel disputes. Veracel’s position is supported by documentation issued by the State environmental authority.

Class Action Lawsuits in USA
In the context of magazine paper sales in the USA in 2002 and 2003, Stora Enso was sued in a number of class action (and other civil) lawsuits filed in the USA by various magazine paper purchasers that claimed damages for alleged antitrust violations. On 14 December 2010 a US federal court granted a motion for summary judgement that Stora Enso had filed seeking dismissal of the direct purchaser class action claims. The ruling, which the plaintiffs have appealed, means that the court has ruled in favour of Stora Enso and found the direct purchaser class action claims to be without legal foundation. Further, most of the indirect purchaser actions have been dismissed by a consent judgement, subject, however, to being reinstated if the plaintiffs’ appeal in the direct cases is successful. The ruling, if it stands on appeal, will also provide a strong legal basis for final dismissal of all remaining civil cases. No provisions have been made in Stora Enso’s accounts for these lawsuits.

Legal Proceeding in Finland
On 3 December 2009 the Finnish Market Court fined Stora Enso for competition law infringements in the market for roundwood in Finland from 1997 to 2004. Stora Enso did not appeal against the ruling.

On 31 March 2011 Metsähallitus of Finland initiated legal proceedings against Stora Enso, UPM and Metsäliitto claiming compensation for damages allegedly suffered due to the competition law infringements amounting altogether to EUR 283 million. In addition some Finnish municipalities have recently, and after the period, initiated similar legal proceedings.

Stora Enso denies that Metsähallitus, and other plaintiffs, suffered any damages whatsoever and will forcefully defend itself. No provisions have been made in Stora Enso’s accounts for this lawsuit.

Share Capital
During the quarter no A shares were converted into R shares.

On 30 September 2011 Stora Enso had 177 149 022 A shares and 612 389 477 R shares in issue of which the Company held no A shares and 918 512 R shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.6 million. The holding represents 0.12% of the Company’s share capital and 0.04% of the voting rights.

This report is unaudited.

Helsinki, 21 October 2011
Stora Enso Oyj
Board of Directors


Basis of Preparation
Except as described below, this unaudited interim financial report has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim Financial Reporting and in the Group’s Annual Report for 2010.

The following amendments to standards and interpretations were adopted from 1 January 2011 but had no impact on the Group financial statements:


  • IAS 24 Related Party Disclosure – Revised definition of related parties
  • IFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments requires the extinguishment of a financial liability by the issue of equity instruments to be measured at fair value with the difference between the fair value of the instrument issued and the carrying value of the liability extinguished being recognised in profit or loss.
  • Amendments to IFRS – Through the annual improvements process, the minor and non-urgent changes are collected into one ensemble and implemented at the beginning of the year. In addition, the IASB has published a few other small amendments which have also been implemented at the beginning of the year. These changes and amendments effective from 1 January 2011 relate to nine standards and interpretations. They did not have a significant effect on the Group financial statements.

Inpac acquisition
Stora Enso acquired 51% of Inpac International on 28 July 2011. Inpac is a Chinese packaging company with production operations in China and India, and service operations in Korea. The company specialises in manufacturing consumer packaging, especially for global manufacturers of mobile phones and other consumer goods.

The preliminary consideration amounted to EUR 42 million. The acquisition has been financed from the Stora Enso Group’s own cash assets.
The initial acquisition accounting of the integration of the company has been only provisionally determined at the end of third quarter of 2011. The necessary fair valuations and other calculations have not been finalised and they are based on management’s best estimate.

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 2010 Change % Q3/11-Q3/10 Change % Q3/11-Q2/11 Change % Q1-Q3/11-Q1-Q3/10
Sales 2 739.3 2 817.1 2 623.6 8 283.3 7 611.7 10 296.9 4.4 -2.8 8.8
 Other operating income 41.7 57.1 38.6 155.8 104.8 159.1 8.0 -27.0 48.7
 Materials and services -1 750.3 -1 757.2 -1 574.2 -5 175.7 -4 643.5 -6 391.4 -11.2 0.4 -11.5
 Freight and sales commissions -255.8 -262.5 -267.3 -775.4 -756.4 -1 010.1 4.3 2.6 -2.5
 Personnel expenses -352.3 -370.5 -309.7 -1 066.0 -1 000.5 -1 375.3 -13.8 4.9 -6.5
 Other operating expenses -118.0 -165.6 -119.8 -426.9 -380.1 -482.2 1.5 28.7 -12.3
 Share of results of equity accounted investments 9.9 6.4 24.4 36.3 58.4 112.5 -59.4 54.7 -37.8
 Depreciation and impairment -138.4 -140.1 -138.7 -433.4 -378.5 -282.7 0.2 1.2 -14.5
Operating Profit 176.1 184.7 276.9 598.0 615.9 1 026.8 -36.4 -4.7 -2.9
 Net financial items -193.4 -34.6 -51.1 -279.2 -79.2 -100.9 -278.5 -459.0 -252.5
Loss/Profit before Tax -17.3 150.1 225.8 318.8 536.7 925.9 -107.7 -111.5 -40.6
 Income tax -32.6 -14.1 -31.5 -76.8 -80.4 -156.6 -3.5 -131.2 4.5
Net Loss/Profit for the Period -49.9 136.0 194.3 242.0 456.3 769.3 -125.7 -136.7 -47.0
Attributable to:                  
Owners of the Parent -50.3 135.7 193.2 241.0 453.8 766.0 -126.0 -137.1 -46.9
Non-controlling interests 0.4 0.3 1.1 1.0 2.5 3.3 -63.6 33.3 -60.0
  -49.9 136.0 194.3 242.0 456.3 769.3 -125.7 -136.7 -47.0
Earnings per Share                  
Basic earnings per share, EUR -0.06 0.17 0.25 0.31 0.58 0.97 -124.0 -135.3 -46.6
Diluted earnings per share, EUR -0.06 0.17 0.25 0.31 0.58 0.97 -124.0 -135.3 -46.6

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q3/10 Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10 2010
Net loss/profit for the period -49.9 136.0 194.3 242.0 456.3 769.3
Other Comprehensive Income            
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension plans                 -                     -   -2.4                   -   -2.4 -32.5
Available for sale financial assets -92.4 29.5 46.2 -54.8 1.1 95.9
Currency and commodity hedges -55.8 -60.1 84.0 -119.0 103.1 107.7
Share of other comprehensive income of equity accounted investments -17.7                   -   1.8 -14.7 0.4 9.2
Currency translation movements on equity net investments (CTA) -99.4 -21.0 -22.9 -172.6 234.2 305.6
Currency translation movements on non-controlling interests -0.7 0.3 -2.6 -2.3 3.5 5.1
Net investment hedges 5.2 11.2 -6.6 19.9 -7.8 -9.8
Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income 14.9 13.0 -19.8 28.2 -24.5 -13.4
Other Comprehensive Income, net of tax -245.9 -27.1 77.7 -315.3 307.6 467.8
Total Comprehensive Income -295.8 108.9 272.0 -73.3 763.9 1 237.1
Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to:            
Owners of the Parent -295.5 108.3 273.6 -72.0 758.0 1 228.7
Non-controlling interests -0.3 0.6 -1.6 -1.3 5.9 8.4
  -295.8 108.9 272.0 -73.3 763.9 1 237.1

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

EUR million Q1-Q3/11 Q1-Q3/10
Cash Flow from Operating Activities    
Operating profit 598.0 615.9
Hedging result from OCI -116.9 92.0
Adjustments for non-cash items 432.8 302.7
Change in net working capital -293.3 -253.7
Cash Flow Generated by Operations 620.6 756.9
Net financials items paid -61.8 -114.2
Income taxes paid, net -94.0 -35.4
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 464.8 607.3
Cash Flow from Investing Activities    
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of acquired cash -24.5 -5.9
Acquisitions of equity accounted investments -87.1 -13.8
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets and shares 18.9 24.1
Capital expenditure -222.6 -261.6
Payments/proceeds of non-current receivables, net -3.4 41.1
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities -318.7 -216.1
Cash Flow from Financing Activities    
Proceeds from issue of new long-term debt 50.0 599.2
Long-term debt, payments -64.0 -774.5
Change in short-term borrowings 149.5 184.7
Dividends and capital repayments paid -197.2 -157.7
Dividend to non-controlling interests -1.8 -1.2
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities -63.5 -149.5
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 82.6 241.7
Cash and bank in disposed companies - -0.3
Translation adjustment -5.1 2.2
Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 1 103.1 877.0
Net Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 180.6 1 120.6
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 183.3 1 121.2
Bank Overdrafts at Period End -2.7 -0.6
Net Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 1 180.6 1 120.6
Acquisitions of Subsidiary Companies    
Cash and cash equivalents, net of bank overdraft 14.7 -
Fixed assets 49.6 -
Working capital 12.6 -
Tax liabilities -4.4 -
Interest-bearing liabilities and receivables -5.1 -
Fair Value of Net Assets Acquired 67.4 -
Non-controlling interests (as proportionate share) -35.5 5.9
Provisional goodwill 10.7 -
Total Purchase Consideration 42.6 5.9
Less cash and cash equivalents in acquired companies -14.7 -
Net Purchase Consideration 27.9 5.9
Cash part of the consideration, net of acquired cash 24.5 5.9
Non-cash part of the consideration 3.4 -
Net Purchase Consideration 27.9 5.9
Disposal of Subsidiary Companies    
Cash and cash equivalents - 0.3
Fixed assets - 0.5
Working capital - 6.2
Interest-bearing liabilities - -5.5
Tax liabilities - -0.7
Net assets in Divested Companies - 0.8
Income Statement capital gain/loss -                             -
Total Disposal Consideration Received in Cash and Kind - 0.8

Property, Plant and Equipment, Intangible Assets and Goodwill

EUR million Q1-Q3/11 2010 Q1-Q3/10
  Carrying value at 1 January 5 565.8 5 157.7 5 157.7
  Acquisition of subsidiary companies 60.3 7.8 -
  Capital expenditure 210.5 377.0 247.3
  Additions in biological assets 12.1 23.4 14.3
  Change in emission rights 15.7 15.7 25.4
  Disposals -12.5 -25.1 -23.2
  Disposals of subsidiary companies - -0.8 -0.5
  Depreciation and impairment -433.4 -282.7 -378.5
  Translation difference and other -96.2 292.8 240.7
Statement of Financial Position Total 5 322.3 5 565.8 5 283.2


EUR million 30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
Non-current borrowings 3 328.7 3 259.2 3 123.9
Current borrowings 1 016.8 752.0 933.8
  4 345.5 4 011.2 4 057.7
  Q1-Q3/11 2010 Q1-Q3/10
Carrying value at 1 January 4 011.2 3 936.7 3 936.7
Debt acquired with new subsidiaries 13.5 0.8  -
Debt disposed with sold subsidiaries  - -5.6 -7.5
Proceeds/payments of borrowings (net) 357.6 -111.2 -23.8
Translation difference and other -36.8 190.5 152.3
Statement of Financial Position Total 4 345.5 4 011.2 4 057.7

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

EUR million   30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
Fixed Assets and Other Non-current Investments        
  Fixed assets O 5 066.4 5 334.3 5 055.9
  Biological assets O 199.2 190.5 176.6
  Emission rights O 56.7 41.0 50.7
  Equity accounted investments O 1 726.8 1 744.0 1 656.7
  Available-for-sale: Interest-bearing I 75.7 78.7 75.7
  Available-for-sale: Operative O 832.8 879.4 782.5
  Non-current loan receivables I 130.6 126.5 126.9
  Deferred tax assets T 107.9 111.0 170.1
  Other non-current assets O 48.5 37.2 53.1
    8 244.6 8 542.6 8 148.2
Current Assets        
  Inventories O 1 571.5 1 474.6 1 422.3
  Tax receivables T 7.3 1.7 6.8
  Operative receivables O 1 633.2 1 621.8 1 638.2
  Interest-bearing receivables I 308.4 285.1 289.1
  Cash and cash equivalents I 1 183.3 1 110.9 1 121.2
    4 703.7 4 494.1 4 477.6
Total Assets   12 948.3 13 036.7 12 625.8
Equity and Liabilities        
  Owners of the Parent   5 934.5 6 202.9 5 731.4
  Non-controlling Interests   83.4 51.8 50.2
Total Equity   6 017.9 6 254.7 5 781.6
Non-current Liabilities        
 Post-employment benefit provisions O 312.2 320.5 331.9
 Other provisions O 138.8 148.6 162.7
 Deferred tax liabilities T 381.0 422.6 434.8
 Non-current debt I 3 328.7 3 259.2 3 123.9
 Other non-current operative liabilities O 33.1 62.0 32.8
    4 193.8 4 212.9 4 086.1
Current Liabilities        
 Current portion of non-current debt I 217.9 303.5 603.9
 Interest-bearing liabilities I 798.9 448.5 329.9
 Operative liabilities O 1 618.2 1 697.1 1 671.0
 Tax liabilities T 101.6 120.0 153.3
    2 736.6 2 569.1 2 758.1
Total Liabilities   6 930.4 6 782.0 6 844.2
Total Equity and Liabilities   12 948.3 13 036.7 12 625.8

Items designated with “O” comprise Operating Capital
Items designated with “I” comprise Interest-bearing Net Liabilities
Items designated with “T” comprise Net Tax Liabilities



Statement of Changes in Equity

EUR million Share Capital Share Premium and Reserve fund Invested Non-Restricted Equity Fund Treasury Shares Step Acquisition Revaluation Surplus Available for Sale Financial Assets Currency and Commodity Hedges Currency and Commodity Hedges of Equity Accounted Investments CTA and Net Invest-ment Hedges Retained Earnings Attributable to Owners of the Parent Non-controlling Interests Total
Balance at 31 December 2009 1 342.2 76.6  2 042.1 -10.2 3.9 684.2 -0.8 -19.0 -194.6 1 199.9 5 124.3 58.2 5 182.5
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 453.9 453.9 2.4 456.3
OCI before tax - - - - - 1.1 103.1 0.4  226.4 -2.4 328.6 3.5 332.1
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - 0.3 -27.6 - 2.0  0.8 -24.5 - -24.5
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - 1.4 75.5 0.4 228.4 452.3 758.0 5.9 763.9
Distribution relating to 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - -1.2 -1.2
Acquisitions and disposals - - - - - - - - - - - -5.9 -5.9
Buy-out of non-controlling interest - - - - - - - - - 6.8 6.8 -6.8 -
Return of capital - - -157.7 - - - - - - - -157.7 - -157.7
Transfer to retained earnings - - -1 251.3 - - - - - - 1 251.3 - - -
Balance at 30 Sep 2010 1 342.2 76.6  633.1 -10.2 3.9 685.6 74.7 -18.6  33.8 2 910.3 5 731.4 50.2  5 781.6
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 312.1 312.1 0.9 313.0
OCI before tax - - - - - 94.8 4.6 8.8 69.4 -30.1 147.5 1.6 149.1
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - -0.4 -1.4 - 0.5 12.4   11.1 - 11.1
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - 94.4 3.2 8.8 69.9 294.4 470.7 2.5 473.2
Acquisitions and disposals - - - - - - - - - - - -0.1 -0.1
Buy-out of non-controlling interest - - - - - - - - - 0.8 0.8 -0.8 -
Balance at 31 December 2010 1 342.2 76.6 633.1 -10.2 3.9 780.0 77.9 -9.8 103.7 3 205.5 6 202.9 51.8 6 254.7
Profit for the period - - - - - - - - - 241.0 241.0 1.0  242.0
OCI before tax - - - - - -54.8  -119.0  -14.7  -152.7 - -341.2  -2.3 -343.5
Income tax relating to components of OCI - - - - - 2.1  31.3  - -5.2 - 28.2  -  28.2
Total Comprehensive Income - - - - - -52.7  -87.7  -14.7  -157.9   241.0 -72.0 -1.3  -73.3
Dividend - - - - - -  - - - -197.2 -197.2 -1.8 -199.0
Acquisitions - - - - - - - - - - -  35.5  35.5
Buy-out of non-controlling interest - - - - - - - - -  0.8 0.8 -0.8  -
Balance at 30 Sep 2011 1 342.2 76.6 633.1 -10.2 3.9 727.3 -9.8 -24.5 -54.2  3 250.1  5 934.5  83.4 6 017.9

CTA = Cumulative Translation Adjustment
OCI = Other Comprehensive Income

Commitments and Contingencies

EUR million 30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
On Own Behalf      
  Mortgages 16.1 5.2 11.2
On Behalf of Equity Accounted Investments      
  Guarantees 298.1 154.6 160.0
On Behalf of Others      
  Guarantees 7.3 108.3 109.1
Other Commitments, Own      
  Operating leases, in next 12 months 43.1 32.3 27.1
  Operating leases, after next 12 months 123.3 88.3 79.7
  Pension liabilities 0.4 0.4 0.1
  Other commitments 9.4 94.8 49.0
Total 497.7  483.9  436.2
  Mortgages 16.1  5.2  11.2
  Guarantees 305.4  262.9  269.1
  Operating leases 166.4  120.6  106.8
  Pension liabilities 0.4  0.4  0.1
  Other commitments 9.4  94.8  49.0
Total 497.7  483.9  436.2

Purchase Agreement Commitments

EUR million  Scheduled Contract Payments
Type of Supply  Contract Total  Q4/2011  2012-2013  2014-2015  2016+
  Fibre 1 484.7 70.6 477.5 437.0 499.6
  Energy 1 894.1 108.4 545.7 398.5 841.5
  Logistics 351.5 14.6 91.7 73.1 172.1
  Other production costs 709.2 31.0 105.1 44.3 528.8
Capital Expenditure 238.4 63.3 171.3 3.8 0.0
Total Contractual Commitments at 30 Sep 2011 4 677.9 287.9 1 391.3 956.7 2 042.0

Fair Values of Derivative Financial Instruments

EUR million   30 Sep 11     31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
Fair Values
Fair Values
Net Fair Values   Net
Fair Values
Fair Values
Interest rate swaps 133.1 -32.4 100.7   135.4 160.4
Interest rate options - -54.7 -54.7   -35.3 -47.4
Forward contracts 48.2 -13.5 34.7   47.6 3.4
Currency options 27.7 -44.2 -16.5   22.1 28.9
Commodity contracts 15.7 -10.0 5.7   11.6 -6.6
Equity swaps ("TRS") - -27.1 -27.1   13.8 18.4
Total 224.7 -181.9 42.8   195.2 157.1

Nominal Values of Derivative Financial Instruments

EUR million 30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10
Interest Rate Derivatives      
Interest rate swaps      
  Maturity under 1 year  26.8  827.5  831.5
  Maturity 2–5 years 1 888.6 2 569.8 1 710.4
  Maturity 6–10 years  300.0  804.7  913.5
  2 215.4 4 202.0 3 455.4
Interest rate options  908.3  601.0  504.7
Total 3 123.7 4 803.0 3 960.1
Foreign Exchange Derivatives      
  Forward contracts 2 027.6 2 333.1 1 395.0
  Currency options 2 895.9 2 683.4 2 344.4
Total 4 923.5 5 016.5 3 739.4
Commodity Derivatives      
  Commodity contracts  195.2  297.6  256.4
Total  195.2  297.6  256.4
Total Return (Equity) Swaps      
  Equity swaps ("TRS")  75.6  83.1  112.7
Total  75.6  83.1  112.7

Sales by Segment

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Consumer Board 626.2 662.2 647.0 2 314.7 611.5 593.8 586.3 523.1
Industrial Packaging 253.8 240.0 243.4 949.5 241.7 225.4 259.2 223.2
Newsprint and Book Paper 330.7 334.6 314.5 1 261.6 326.2 322.9 325.1 287.4
Magazine Paper 562.0 517.2 482.0 2 054.2 547.5 541.0 530.2 435.5
Fine Paper 529.6 532.2 563.3 2 125.7 533.5 563.3 554.4 474.5
Wood Products 414.0 465.4 409.7 1 588.7 410.3 424.1 422.7 331.6
Other 642.1 703.6 723.3 2 524.6 627.3 623.4 648.6 625.3
Inter-segment sales -619.1 -638.1 -656.3 -2 522.1 -612.8 -670.3 -634.3 -604.7
Total 2 739.3 2 817.1 2 726.9 10 296.9 2 685.2 2 623.6 2 692.2 2 295.9

Operating Profit/Loss by Segment excluding NRI and Fair Valuations

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Consumer Board 64.4 84.5 95.8 277.1 52.1 77.6 76.9 70.5
Industrial Packaging 20.1 19.5 19.4 65.5 22.0 18.7 17.1 7.7
Newsprint and Book Paper 33.6 27.5 26.0 -10.8 -2.7 0.1 -6.6 -1.6
Magazine Paper 48.3 33.9 28.2 90.9 19.5 45.5 22.0 3.9
Fine Paper 37.8 48.7 79.9 259.4 67.6 70.9 79.4 41.5
Wood Products 9.8 35.2 11.8 70.9 10.2 25.2 30.1 5.4
Other -13.2 -31.8 -28.2 -65.9 -22.3 -4.9 -16.5 -22.2
Operating Profit excl. NRI and Fair Valuations by Segment 200.8 217.5 232.9 687.1 146.4 233.1 202.4 105.2
 Share of results of equity accounted investments excl. fair valuations 3.4 10.8 15.1 67.0 20.4               21.9 10.5                14.2
Operating Profit excl. NRI and Fair Valuations* 204.2 228.3 248.0 754.1 166.8 255.0 212.9 119.4
 Fair valuations* -28.1 -11.9 16.4 92.5 41.9               16.5 11.2                22.9
Operating Profit excl. NRI 176.1 216.4 264.4 846.6 208.7 271.5 224.1 142.3
NRI on operating profit - -31.7 -27.2 180.2 202.2                 5.4 -8.5 -18.9
Operating Profit (IFRS) 176.1 184.7 237.2 1 026.8 410.9 276.9 215.6 123.4
Net financial items -193.4 -34.6 -51.2 -100.9 -21.7 -51.1 -22.6 -5.5
Loss/Profit before Tax and Non-controlling Interests -17.3 150.1 186.0 925.9 389.2 225.8 193.0 117.9
Income tax expense -32.6 -14.1 -30.1 -156.6 -76.2 -31.5 -33.1 -15.8
Net Loss/Profit -49.9 136.0 155.9 769.3 313.0 194.3 159.9 102.1

* Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights, and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in equity accounted investments.

NRI by Segment

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Consumer Board - -2.2 - 217.4 167.6 49.8 - -
Industrial Packaging - -0.1 - -21.5 -5.0 - -3.3 -13.2
Newsprint and Book Paper - -6.2 -1.7 -58.5 -1.1 -44.4 -13.0 -
Magazine Paper - -2.8 3.4 2.4 -1.1 - 9.2 -5.7
Fine Paper - -20.4 - 68.9 60.4 - 8.5 -
Wood Products - - -28.9 4.0 1.9 - 0.5 1.6
Other - - - -17.2 -5.2 - -10.4 -1.6
Equity accounted investments - - - -15.3 -15.3 - - -
NRI on Operating Profit - -31.7 -27.2 180.2 202.2 5.4 -8.5 -18.9
NRI on financial items -128.2 - - - - - - -
NRI on tax - 3.6 7.8 -37.9 -37.9 - - -
NRI on Net Profit -128.2 -28.1 -19.4 142.3 164.3 5.4 -8.5 -18.9

Fair Valuations* by Segment

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Consumer Board - -4.6 - - - - - -
Industrial Packaging - -2.0 - - - - - -
Newsprint and Book Paper - -2.9 - - - - - -
Magazine Paper - -3.5 - - - - - -
Fine Paper - -2.9 - - - - - -
Wood Products - -1.8 - - - - - -
Other -34.6 10.2 11.5 31.7 -7.1 14.0 6.8 18.0
Equity accounted investments 6.5 -4.4 4.9 60.8 49.0 2.5 4.4 4.9
Fair Valuations on Operating Profit -28.1 -11.9 16.4 92.5 41.9 16.5 11.2 22.9

* Fair valuations include equity incentive schemes, synthetic options net of realised and open hedges, CO2 emission rights, and valuations of biological assets related to forest assets in equity accounted investments.

Operating Profit/Loss by Segment

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Consumer Board 64.4 77.7 95.8 494.5 219.7 127.4 76.9 70.5
Industrial Packaging 20.1 17.4 19.4 44.0 17.0 18.7 13.8 -5.5
Newsprint and Book Paper 33.6 18.4 24.3 -69.3 -3.8 -44.3 -19.6 -1.6
Magazine Paper 48.3 27.6 31.6 93.3 18.4 45.5 31.2 -1.8
Fine Paper 37.8 25.4 79.9 328.3 128.0 70.9 87.9 41.5
Wood Products 9.8 33.4 -17.1 74.9 12.1 25.2 30.6 7.0
Other -47.8 -21.6 -16.7 -51.4 -34.6 9.1 -20.1 -5.8
Share of results of equity accounted investments 9.9 6.4 20.0 112.5 54.1               24.4 14.9 19.1
Operating Profit (IFRS) 176.1 184.7 237.2 1 026.8 410.9 276.9 215.6 123.4
Net financial items -193.4 -34.6 -51.2 -100.9 -21.7 -51.1 -22.6 -5.5
Loss/Profit before Tax and Non-controlling Interests -17.3 150.1 186.0 925.9 389.2 225.8 193.0 117.9
Income tax expense -32.6 -14.1 -30.1 -156.6 -76.2 -31.5 -33.1 -15.8
Net Loss/Profit -49.9 136.0 155.9 769.3 313.0 194.3 159.9 102.1

Equity Accounted Investments in the Income Statement

EUR million Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 2010 Q4/10 Q3/10 Q2/10 Q1/10
Share of results in equity accounted investments excl. fair valuations and NRI                3.4            10.8 15.1               67.0               20.4                21.9                10.5 14.2
Fair valuations in equity accounted investments                6.5 -4.4 4.9               60.8               49.0                  2.5                  4.4 4.9
NRI related to equity accounted investments                    -                  - - -15.3 -15.3                      -                      - -
Equity Accounted Investments in Operating Profit                9.9              6.4  20.0            112.5              54.1               24.4               14.9 19.1
Equity accounted investments share of taxes                2.5 -4.2 -6.5 -40.6 -25.1 -5.6                 -5.7 -4.2
Equity Accounted Investments in Net Profit  12.4              2.2  13.5              71.9              29.0               18.8                 9.2  14.9

Key Exchange Rates for the Euro

One Euro is Closing Rate Average Rate
  30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10
SEK 9.2580 8.9655 9.0112 9.5464
USD 1.3503 1.3362 1.4071 1.3272
GBP 0.8667 0.8608 0.8714 0.8583

Transaction Risk and Hedges in Main Currencies as at 30 September 2011

Estimated annual net operating cash flow exposure 1 040 570 -790
Transaction hedges as at 30 Sep 2011 -560 -250 470
Hedging percentage as at 30 Sep 2011 for the next 12 months 54% 44% 59%

Additional USD, GBP and SEK  hedges for 13-16 months increase the hedging percentages by 8%, 4% and 7% respectively.

Changes in Exchange Rates on Operating Profit

Operating Profit: Currency strengthening of + 10% EUR million
USD 104
SEK -79
GBP 57

The sensitivity is based on estimated next 12 months net operating cash flow. The calculation does not take into account currency hedges, and assumes no changes occur other than a single currency exchange rate movement. Weakening would have the opposite impact.

Stora Enso Shares

Trading volume Helsinki Stockholm
  A share R share A share R share
July 113 479 102 551 172 121 789 14 909 132
August 183 514 133 662 422 184 427 33 382 428
September 49 135 106 281 676 57 353 21 324 023
Total 346 128 342 495 270 363 569 69 615 583

Closing Price
Helsinki, EUR Stockholm, SEK
  A share R share A share R share
July 6.60 6.01 60.10 54.40
August 6.50 5.09 61.75 46.32
September 6.60 4.42 55.00 40.80

Calculation of Key Figures

Return on capital employed,                                    

ROCE (%)                                                                100  x         Operating profit

                                                                                                     Capital employed 1) 2)


Return on operating capital,                                100  x         Operating profit  

ROOC (%)                                                                                  Operating capital 1) 2)



Return on equity,                                                   100  x         Profit before tax and non-controlling items – taxes

ROE (%)                                                                                     Total equity 2)



Equity ratio (%)                                                      100  x         Total equity

                                                                                                     Total assets




Interest-bearing net liabilities                                                 Interest-bearing liabilities – interest-bearing assets


Debt/equity ratio                                                                      Interest-bearing net liabilities


                                                                                                                                                Fixed asset

CEPS                                                                                           Net profit/loss for the period 3) – depreciation and impairment

                                                                                                     Average number of shares


EPS                                                                                              Net profit/loss for the period 3)

                                                                                                     Average number of shares



1) Capital employed = Operating capital – Net tax liabilities
2) Average for the financial period
3) Attributable to owners of the Parent



For further information, please contact:
Jouko Karvinen, CEO, tel. +358 2046 21410
Markus Rauramo, CFO, tel. +358 2046 21121
Ulla Paajanen-Sainio, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 2046 21242
Lauri Peltola, Head of Communications and Global Responsibility, tel. +358 2046 21380

Stora Enso’s full year 2011 results will be published on 8 February 2012.


CEO Jouko Karvinen and CFO Markus Rauramo will be hosting a combined conference call and webcast today at 14.30 Finnish time (13.30 CET, 12.30 UK time, 07.30 US Eastern time).

If you wish to participate, please dial:

Continental Europe and the UK +44 (0)20 3364 5381
Finland +358 (0)9 2310 1620
Sweden +46 (0)8 5593 6764
USA +1 646 254 3361
Access code: 5348972#

The live webcast may be accessed at

Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the packaging, paper and wood products industry. We always rethink the old and expand to the new to offer our customers innovative solutions based on renewable materials. Stora Enso employs some 30 000 people worldwide, and our sales in 2010 amounted to EUR 10.3 billion. Stora Enso shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (STEAV, STERV) and Stockholm (STE A, STE R). In addition, the shares are traded in the USA as ADRs (SEOAY) in the International OTCQX over-the-counter market.

It should be noted that certain statements herein which are not historical facts, including, without limitation those regarding expectations for market growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and statements preceded by “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “foresees”, or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Since these statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to materially differ from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein, continued success of product development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group’s targeted customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the degree of protection created by the Group’s patents and other intellectual property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, prevailing and future global market prices for the Group’s products and the pricing pressures thereto, price fluctuations in raw materials, financial condition of the customers and the competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as rates of economic growth in the Group’s principal geographic markets or fluctuations in exchange and interest rates.



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