Stora Enso?s Board proposals to the Annual General Meeting

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STORA ENSO OYJ  Stock Exchange Release 3 February 2005 at 11.00

Stora Enso’s Board proposals to the Annual General Meeting

Stora Enso’s Board has in its meeting decided to propose the 
following to the Annual General Meeting to be held in Helsinki 
on Tuesday 22 March 2005.

Matters to be resolved by the AGM pursuant to Article 14 of the 
Articles of Association of the Company.

Appointment of Nomination Committee

Shareholders representing more than 50 per cent of the votes in 
the Company have proposed that the Annual General Meeting 
appoint a Nomination Committee to prepare proposals concerning 
(a) the number of members of the Board of Directors, (b) the 
members of the Board of Directors, (c) the remuneration for the 
Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of the Board of Directors 
and (d) the remuneration for the Chairman and members of the 
committees of the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee 
would consist of four members: 
- the Chairman of the Board of Directors
- the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors 
- two members appointed by the two largest shareholders (one 
each) according to the register of shareholders on 1 October 

The Chairman of the Board of Directors would convene the 
Nomination Committee and before 31 January 2006 the Nomination 
Committee would present its proposals for the Annual General 
Meeting to be held in 2006.

A proposal by the Board of Directors to reduce the registered 
share capital of the Company through the cancellation of shares 
in the Company held by the same.

The share capital shall be reduced by not more than EUR 70 890 
000 through the cancellation of not more than 9 000 000 Series A 
shares held by the Company and not more than 32 700 000 Series R 
shares held by the Company. The shares proposed to be cancelled 
have been repurchased by the Company on the basis of its 
established programme for the repurchase of its own shares. The 
exact number of the shares of each series to be cancelled shall 
be determined by the AGM. 

A proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of 
Directors to repurchase shares in the Company.

The Board of Directors shall be authorised to use the 
distributable equity of the Company to repurchase shares in the 
Company provided that the number of Series A shares and Series R 
shares to be repurchased shall be proportionate to the total 
number of issued and existing Series A and Series R shares. 
Further, the number of repurchased Series A shares shall not be 
more than five (5) per cent of the total number of Series A 
shares in the Company at the time of the AGM and the total 
number of repurchased Series R shares not more than five (5) per 
cent of the total number of Series R shares in the Company at 
the time of the AGM. Finally, shares in the Company shall not be 
repurchased by the same if the repurchase would lead to the 
total accounting par value of the shares in the Company held by 
the same or its subsidiaries, or the voting power of such shares 
after the repurchase, exceeding five (5) per cent of the share 
capital of the Company or the total voting power of all shares 
issued by the Company and existing at the time. On the basis of 
the registered share capital of the Company and the number of 
issued shares on 2 February 2005, the authorisation would 
entitle the Company to repurchase approximately 8 500 000 Series 
A and approximately 31 000 000 Series R shares. The exact 
maximum number of shares of each series that can be repurchased 
on the basis of the authorisation will be determined by the AGM.

If the Finnish Companies Act is amended in accordance with plans 
announced by the Finnish Ministry of Justice whereby the maximum 
number of own shares that a public limited liability company may 
repurchase will be increased from the current five (5) per cent 
to ten (10) per cent in the year 2005, the maximum number of 
shares to be repurchased under the proposed authorisation shall 
be increased accordingly without a separate resolution by a 
Shareholders’ Meeting as from the date of the entering into 
force of the amended Companies Act. In such situation the number 
of repurchased Series A shares shall not be more than ten (10) 
per cent of the total number of Series A shares in the Company 
at the time of the AGM and the total number of repurchased 
Series R shares not more than ten (10) per cent of the total 
number of Series R shares in the Company at the time of the AGM. 
Shares in the Company shall not be repurchased by the same if 
the repurchase would lead to the total accounting par value of 
the shares in the Company held by the same or its subsidiaries, 
or of the voting power of such shares after the repurchase, 
exceeding ten (10) per cent of the share capital of the Company 
or the total voting power of all shares issued by the Company 
and existing at the time. Finally, the authorisation would also 
be limited by any other restrictions set out in the amended 
Companies Act for the repurchase of own shares on the basis of a 
Board authorisation. On the basis of the registered share 
capital of the Company and the number of issued shares on 2 
February 2005, the authorisation would after the amendment of 
the Companies Act entitle the Company to repurchase 
approximately 17 000 000 Series A and approximately 62 000 000 
Series R shares. The exact maximum number of shares of each 
series that can be repurchased on the basis of the authorisation 
after the amendment of the Companies Act would be determined by 
the AGM. In all other respects the terms of the authorisation 
would remain unchanged after the amendment of the Companies Act.

Shares cannot be repurchased by the Company other than in public 
trading and at the price prevailing at the time of the 
repurchase in such public trading. 

Shares can be repurchased for the purpose of developing the 
capital structure of the Company, to be used in the financing of 
corporate acquisitions and other transactions or for the purpose 
of being sold or otherwise transferred or cancelled. The 
cancellation of shares requires a separate resolution by a 
Shareholders’ Meeting to reduce the share capital of the 

The Board of Directors shall be authorised to decide on other 
terms and conditions relating to the repurchase of its own 

The authorisation shall be valid up to and including 21 March 

A proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of 
Directors to dispose of shares in the Company held by the same.

The Board of Directors shall be authorised to dispose of Series 
A and Series R shares in the Company held by the same up to a 
maximum number of shares corresponding to the maximum numbers 
set forth above with respect to the authorisation to repurchase 
the Company’s own shares. 

It is proposed that the Board of Directors shall be authorised 
to decide to whom and in which manner to dispose of the shares 
in the Company. The shares could be disposed of by derogation 
from the pre-emptive rights of the existing shareholders, as 
consideration in possible corporate acquisitions or other 
arrangements and also be sold in public trading. 

The Board of Directors shall be authorised to decide on the 
sales price or other consideration for the shares as well as on 
the basis for the determination of such consideration and the 
shares can be disposed of for other consideration than cash. 

The Board of Directors shall be authorised to decide on all 
other terms and conditions of the disposal. 

The authorisation shall be valid up to and including 21 March 

A proposal by the shareholders Matti Liimatainen and Annina 

Shareholders Liimatainen and Käppi propose that:

- in its wood procurement in Finland Stora Enso Oyj commits 
itself to socially, ecologically and economically sustainable 
principles by specifying in its purchases from the Finnish state 
enterprise Metsähallitus that wood shall not be procured from 
specific restricted forest areas in the Lapp people’s native 
locality in Inari that are considered especially valuable for 
reindeer herding as reindeer grazing forest areas.

- Stora Enso continues its normal wood procurement from 
privately-owned forests in the Inari area and from 
Metsähallitus’s areas other than the restricted reindeer grazing 
forest areas marked on the maps by Inari reindeer herding co-

Board composition and auditors
Shareholders representing more than 50 per cent of the votes in 
the Company have confirmed that they will propose to the AGM 
that the Board of Directors shall have 10 members and that of 
the present members Lee A. Chaden, Claes Dahlbäck, Harald 
Einsmann, Jukka Härmälä, Ilkka Niemi, Jan Sjöqvist and Marcus 
Wallenberg be re-elected to continue in their office and Gunnar 
Brock, Birgitta Kantola and Matti Vuoria be elected as new 
members until the end of the following AGM. 

The above-mentioned shareholders have further confirmed that 
they will propose to the AGM that Authorised Public Accountants 
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be elected to act as an auditor of the 
Company until the end of the following AGM.

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the AGM the 
distribution by the Company of a dividend for the year 2004 in 
an amount of EUR 0.45 per share. The Board of Directors has 
determined that the dividend record date is 29 March 2005. The 
Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that the dividend payment 
is issued by the Company on 8 April 2005.

For further information in AGM matters, please contact:
Jyrki Kurkinen, General Counsel, tel. +358 2046 21217
Johan Feldreich, Deputy General Counsel, tel. +46 23 78 21 32

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 22 March 2005 at 4 p.m.(Finnish 
time) at Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13 e, Helsinki, 
Finland. The AGM will be conducted in the Finnish language. In 
the meeting room simultaneous translation will be available into 
the Swedish, English and, when relevant, Finnish languages. The 
AGM will be webcast live at


Gunnar Brock, born 1950, President and CEO of Atlas Copco Group, 
has extensive international experience from top management 
positions in large leading corporations. He has been President 
and CEO of Tetra Pak Group where he also held various 
international positions, President and CEO of Alfa Laval Group 
and CEO of Thule International. He is a member of the Board of 
OMX and Lego AS, and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of 
Engineering Sciences (IVA). He has a Master of Science degree in 
Economics and Business Administration from the Stockholm School 
of Economics. 

Birgitta Kantola, born 1948, Partner of Birka Consulting Ab, 
Helsinki, has extensive experience of several top management 
positions within finance. She has held executive positions, 
including CFO both at International Finance Corporation (IFC), 
Washington DC and Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), Helsinki. She 
started her career in finance at IMF, Washington DC and 
Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (a Finnish predecessor of Nordea Bank). 
Currently she is a member of the Board of Varma Mutual Pension 
Insurance Company, Nordea Bank, Fortum Corporation, Vasakronan 
AB and Akademiska Hus AB. She has a degree from Vasa Commercial 
College and a Master of Laws degree from the University of 
Helsinki, and has completed a Harvard University Executive 
Development Program.

Matti Vuoria, born 1951, is President and CEO of Varma Mutual 
Pension Insurance Company. He was previously full-time Chairman 
of Fortum Corporation, a leading energy company in the Nordic 
area including the Baltic Rim. He has held several positions at 
the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry and is currently Vice 
Chairman of the Board of Danisco A/S and a member of the Board 
of Nokian Tyres plc and Sampo plc. He has a Master of Laws 
degree from the University of Turku and a Bachelor of Arts 
degree from the University of Oulu. 

Krister Ahlström, Björn Hägglund, Barbara Kux and Paavo Pitkänen 
are not seeking re-election.

For further information, please contact:
Claes Dahlbäck, Chairman, tel. +46 8 614 2013
Jukka Härmälä, CEO, tel. +358 2046 21404


p.p.  Jussi Siitonen    Jukka Marttila
