

  • Patrick van Boom


    TIE Kinetix N.V. 3 Highwood Drive 101-E Tewksbury, MA 01876
  • Quotes

    We are constantly reviewing EDI solutions that are out in the marketplace. We look for three core competencies in a company: customer service, best-in-class software, and, of course, price structure. TIE Kinetix checks off each of those boxes.
    Jim Gonzalez, CEO, EDI Support LLC
    With a consolidated focus and fewer products to develop and maintain, we’re constantly moving forward. Since selling our demand generation business, we have a better understanding of our FLOW customers, and development is at an all-time high. We’ve made a lot of progress on the back end, and we’re proud of it. We had to rebrand to show our customers and the rest of the world who we are, what we do, and why we do it.
    Jan Sundelin, CEO, TIE Kinetix
    Even though public authorities must be able to receive and process e-invoices, their suppliers aren’t legally required to send e-invoices. This alone makes suppliers less willing to cooperate, but there’s also procedural and communicational inefficiencies that are contributing to the lack of adoption. Our intelligent onboarding services aim to eliminate implementation complexities and even go as far as automating all supplier communication to educate them on the benefits of e-invoicing.
    Jan Sundelin, CEO, TIE Kinetix
    Obwohl Behörden in der Lage sein müssen, elektronische Rechnungen zu empfangen und zu verarbeiten, sind ihre Lieferanten nicht gesetzlich verpflichtet, elektronische Rechnungen zu versenden. Das allein macht die Lieferanten weniger kooperationsbereit, aber es gibt auch verfahrenstechnische und kommunikative Ineffizienzen, die zur mangelnden Akzeptanz beitragen. Unsere intelligenten Onboarding-Services zielen darauf ab, die Komplexität der Implementierung zu beseitigen und gehen sogar so weit, die gesamte Kommunikation mit den Lieferanten zu automatisieren, um sie über die Vorteile von E-Invoicing aufzuklären.
    Jan Sundelin, CEO, TIE Kinetix
    Inefficient communication is a major issue for today’s organizations, especially as trading partner networks continue to grow. Suppliers want to know when they’re getting paid, and they’re going to keep calling you until they find out. To help our customers avoid this, we encourage them to take advantage of our PEPPOL invoice response capabilities. It’s an easy fix, and it goes a long way.
    Jan Sundelin, CEO, TIE Kinetix
    We’re excited to support the Ministry of the BZK in helping all Dutch ministries to achieve 100% supply chain digitalization in the coming years. We’re starting to see that more and more government organizations are looking to automate the entire procure-to-pay process, but it’s often the case that this is beyond the capabilities of their current solution. We’re proud to say that, with FLOW, the Ministry won’t run into this issue again.
    Jan Sundelin, CEO, TIE Kinetix
    It is our aim to provide all Dutch ministries and their suppliers with an accessible and easy-to-use supplier portal for e-procurement. All public authorities can greatly benefit from an end-to-end solution that takes their procure-to-pay automation efforts to the next level.
    Erwin Wulterkens, Senior Managing Partner, NLeyes
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