Good passenger figures for Viking Line in July: Second-best volume ever

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Viking Line’s passenger volume for all routes in July was 951,645 passengers. This volume is even higher than that during the company’s record year, 2018, when 951,005 people sailed on its vessels. *This year, Viking Line is operating seven vessels and has had passengers representing 181 different nationalities.  

Viking Line’s passenger volume for all routes in July was 951,645 passengers. This volume is even higher than that during the company’s record year, 2018, when 951,005 people sailed on its vessels. *This year, Viking Line is operating seven vessels and has had passengers representing 181 different nationalities.  

M/S Rosella, which set an all-time record in June, set another all-time record in July, with 146,050 passengers. Mariella and Gabriella, which sail between Helsinki and Stockholm, have also made day cruises this summer to Tallinn. The capacity utilization of both vessels increased significantly thanks to these extra sailings. In July, Viking Cinderella made three sailings from Stockholm to the Swedish island of  Gotland during Political Week, the country’s annual gathering of political and business leaders in Visby.

Passenger volumes, Viking Line                          July 2019     

Helsinki-Mariehamn-Stockholm**                             117,543      

Turku-Åland-Stockholm                                            268,686      

Helsinki-Tallinn                                                         319,372      

Cinderella cruises to Mariehamn (Visby)                  99,994        

Mariehamn-Kapellskär                                              146,050

Total passenger volume                                         951,645


” We are very pleased with the passenger volume trend in July and are happy that so many people have chosen to travel on our vessels. It is especially nice that Rosella has set passenger records two months in a row. We see that there is a great interest in spending the holiday in neighbouring countries among our travellers, which reflects the social trend right now,” says Viking Line’s President and CEO, Jan Hanses.




* An all-time record was set in 2017 with the addition of extra capacity with the catamaran Viking Faster on the Helsinki–Tallinn route.

** This figure also includes passengers who travelled on the Stockholm–Tallinn and Mariehamn–Tallinn routes with Mariella/Gabriella



For further information, please contact:

Jan Hanses, President and CEO, , tel. +358 18-27000

Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications,, +358 18 277 48

Peter Hellgren, Deputy CEO, +358 18-27000

Viking Line is a public limited company and a market-leading brand in passenger traffic on the northern Baltic Sea. It offers passenger services, recreation and cargo carrier services on the vessels Gabriella, Mariella, Amorella, Rosella, Viking Cinderella, Viking XPRS and on the flagship Viking Grace.


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Olemme erittäin tyytyväisiä matkustajamäärän kehitykseen heinäkuussa ja iloisia siitä, että niin monet valitsevat meidän laivamme. Rosellan peräkkäiset matkustajaennätykset ilahduttivat erityisesti. Lähimatkailu ja matkustaminen naapurimaissa näyttää kiinnostavan matkailijoita tällä hetkellä. Tämä heijastaa ajankohtaisia yhteiskunnan keskusteluja
Jan Hanses, Viking Linen toimitusjohtaja