Orkla ASA – Successful issuance of NOK green bonds
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice of 25 May 2021. Orkla ASA has today completed a successful placement of senior unsecured green bonds with a total amount of NOK 1,500 million split on two different tranches:· NOK 1,000 million in a 7-year bond was placed in the market with a coupon of 3m Nibor + 0.62% p.a. In addition, Orkla will issue NOK 500 million and retain these bonds as own holdings, which give a total volume of NOK 1,500 million. · NOK 500 million in a 10-year bond was placed in the market with a coupon of 2.4425 % p.a. In addition, Orkla will issue NOK 1,000