Final result of Raute’s rights offering, amendments to the terms and conditions of option rights and the issuing of new option rights as a result of the offering and drawdown of junior loans
RAUTE CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 16 JUNE 2023 AT 1:00 p.m. EEST NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, HONG KONG, SOUTH AFRICA, SINGAPORE, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE RELEASE OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. According to the final result of Raute Corporation’s (the “Company” or “Raute”) rights offering (the “Offering”), a total of 1,381,061 new shares in the Company were subscribed for in the Offering, which corresponds to approximately 135 per cent of the