Interim Report January - June 2020
JANUARY–JUNE 2020 (COMPARED WITH JANUARY–JUNE 2019) ·Total credit portfolio* increased by 33 % to SEK 1 441 million (1 083) ·Net interest income increased by 10 % to SEK 168.1 million (153.4) ·Operating income increased by 7 % to SEK 188.8 million (176.9) ·Profit before tax (EBT) decreased by 67 % to SEK 23.4 million (71.9) and Adjusted EBT** decreased by 46 % to SEK 38.8 million ·Cost/income ratio totaled 0.38 (0.26) ·Return on equity was 14.6 % (30.7 %) ·Total capital ratio was 21.3 % in Northmill Bank AB and 19.8 % in the Group ·