Realfiction Holding AB: To further accelerate its growth, Realfiction announces a Public Issue of 17,5 MSEK and calls an extra general meeting to decide on a Directed Issue of up to 7 MSEK
On March 21, 2019, the Board of Directors of Realfiction Holding AB (corporate ID no. 559110-4616, the “Company”) decided, pursuant to an authorization from the Annual General Meeting of June 18, 2018 to carry out a new issue of shares with a preferential right for existing shareholders, the “Public Issue”. The Public Issue consists of a maximum of 1 744 970 shares and can bring 17,5 MSEK into the Company if subscribed for in full. In addition to this preferential rights issue, the Board of Directors will make a proposition to the forthcoming extra general meeting to decide in favor of a