NOTE’s Year-end Report 2018
Financial performance October–December• Sales increased by 22% to SEK 396.5 (325.0) million.• Operating profit rose by 24% to SEK 28.1 (22.6) million.• Operating margin expanded by 0.1 percentage points to 7.1% (7.0%).• Profit after financial items increased by 25% to SEK 27.1 (21.6) million.• Profit after tax rose to SEK 24.0 (17.8) million, corresponding to SEK 0.83 (0.62) per share.• Cash flow after investments, including acquisition, amounted to SEK -80.8 (1.8) million, or SEK -2.80 (0.06) per share. Financial performance January–December• Sales increased by 17% to SEK