Audientes A/S prolongs bridge loan which, subject to authorization from the coming EGM, will be refinanced to a convertible loan, with no interest and instalments due for 12 months
Company announcement no. 28-2023August 31, 2023Audientes (“Audientes” or the “Company”), CVR 36047631, has reached an agreement to prolong the existing bridge loan originally secured in Q1-2022, which will amount to DKK 5.77 million incl. accrued interest at the end of September 2023. The loan is expected to be further prolonged until the end of September 2023, with the current terms and interest of 2% per month. Audientes will at the forthcoming extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be held on September 14, 2023 seek the necessary authorization for agreeing to the refinancing of