

  • Lin Eriksson Nordstrom

    Head of MarCom

    +46 733993386
  • Quotes

    Our Q2 results reflect our operational ability to navigate a complex economic landscape while continuing to invest in our future. We are particularly encouraged by the strong growth in our asset tracking solutions and our expanding ARR, which highlights the effectiveness of our strategic initiatives.
    Emma Dyga, CEO
    Despite the challenges in the Swedish market, we remain optimistic about our growth trajectory outside Sweden and our ongoing investments in innovative solutions. Our focus on enhancing our asset tracking capabilities and expanding our recurring revenue streams positions us well for sustainable growth.
    Emma Dyga, CEO
    We are pleased with our Q1 2024 performance, which demonstrates solid growth and strategic progress. Our focus on larger accounts has paid off with notable MRR growth, and our product-led approach continues to deliver value to our customers. The acquisition of RA Forsikring AS and our recent ISO recertifications are key milestones that reflect our commitment to excellence and strategic expansion. Looking ahead we are confident that these initiatives will drive further growth and strengthen our market position.
    Emma Dyga, CEO, ABAX Group AS
    “We are delighted to join the ABAX Group – this transaction validates our innovative offering that has pioneered a new standard for the Norwegian taxi industry. This symbiotic InsurTech partnership will significantly increase our addressable market and accelerate our growth. We are excited to benefit from ABAX’s profound data-driven verticalized Tech stack that we’re convinced will drive synergistic innovation and a unique value proposition for our growing customer base, leveraging the power of data and telematics.”
    Ole Erik Alnæs, Chairman RA Forsikring.
    “Over the past five years, ABAX has emerged as a leader in utilizing smart mobility data across Europe. Acquiring RA will provide us with an accelerated growth path in Norway, boosting the development of our insurance business Fair and aligning with our strategic goals of sustainable growth and data-driven innovation."
    Emma Dyga, CEO ABAX Group
    “Integrating RA Forsikring and their Taxi Insurance customer base into Fair Insurance AS allows us to further develop an attractive insurance alternative tailored for the taxi industry, and paves the way for expansion into additional markets and industries."
    Jørgen Johansson Skalleberg, CEO Fair Insurance AS.
    Fair was founded on the idea that car insurance can be significantly improved! Thanks to our data-driven insights, we can create tailored offers for all our potential customers. We calculate insurance premiums based on actual car usage, and from our launch in Sweden, we've seen substantial savings for our new insurance customers
    Jørgen O.J. Skalleberger, CEO Fair Car Insurance
    The launch of Fair exemplifies how we can use relevant mobility data to accelerate business development while providing great value to customers. The unique aspect of Fair is that customers can continuously influence their risk and insurance costs. This is part of our strategy to offer value-driven services based on actual data in the future," says Emma Dyga, CEO of the ABAX group
    Emma Dyga, CEO ABAX Group
    We are pleased with the development and progress made in Q4 2023. ABAX rounded off 2023 with a solid performance in Q4, even though we still operate in an uncertain macroeconomic environment.
    Emma Dyga, CEO
    We see that by leveraging mobility data insights, we can help customers to realize savings of as much as 20 %. As our customers experience tougher market conditions, we believe the scale of the potential savings that we offer makes us unique and competitive in the fleet management and telematics space.
    Emma Dyga, CEO
    Our goal is to create a win-win situation where both ABAX and the companies we join forces with can thrive. Through strategic acquisitions, we aim to build a stronger, more diverse organization that is well-equipped to innovate and lead in a competitive marketplace.
    Tom Kocken
    We are confident that Tom’s new role will be instrumental in driving our M&A strategy forward. His strategic mindset and deep understanding of the industry we operate in are exactly what ABAX needs to realize its vision of becoming a global leader within telematics and smart mobility services.
    Emma Dyga, CEO, ABAX
    We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joe Medina-Browne as the new Commercial Director for our UK operations. As a leading European SaaS (Software as a Service) company, we continually strive for innovation and excellence. Joe's extensive experience in driving sales growth and fostering strategic partnerships aligns perfectly with our mission. His dynamic approach and fresh insights are crucial as we expand our reach and strengthen our position in the market. We're confident that under Joe's leadership, our UK team will achieve new milestones and contribute significantly to our overall success.
    Erik Rehn, Head of Sales Operations, ABAX
    I am honored to join ABAX UK as the new Commercial Director. In a rapidly evolving SaaS landscape, ABAX stands out for its innovative solutions and commitment to customer excellence. I am excited to contribute to this dynamic team and build on the strong foundation already in place. Together, we will focus on delivering cutting-edge products and exceptional service to our clients, driving growth, and further establishing ABAX as a leader in the UK market. I look forward to this journey and the opportunity to make a significant impact.
    Joe Medina-Browne, Commercial Director, ABAX UK
    The integration of Movolytics under the ABAX umbrella signifies a bold step forward in expanding our market reach within the telematics sector. This acquisition is in perfect harmony with our core objectives of sustained growth, continual innovation, and our pledge to deliver exceptional value to our customers.
    Emma Dyga, CEO, ABAX
    By welcoming Movolytics into the ABAX family, we are setting the stage for accelerated growth and increased market penetration in the UK. This merger allows us to cater to a larger customer base, enhancing our ability to offer cutting-edge solutions and services across a broader spectrum. With the UK as a strategic focal point, we aim to not only drive development and innovation but also to redefine industry standards from the perspective of both the market and our valued customers.
    Erik Rehn, Head of Sales, ABAX
    As the fleet management market continues to evolve with advances in technology and data driven insights, we have been looking for opportunities to take Movolytics to the next level and we are truly excited to have found new owners whose vision we believe in and whose customer focused ethos we share.
    Chris Smith, CEO, Movolytics
    We are excited to have Emma joining ABAX as CEO, to lead the company in this next phase of acceleration. Emma’s proven software and technology experience brings incredible opportunities to ABAX’s development and growth plans, as it builds on its leadership in sustainable mobility technology. As a global company with a presence in eight countries, ABAX has grown significantly from a startup to a global leader in telematics, and we have full confidence that Emma is the right leader for this role. We thank Morten for his years of dedication to the ABAX team and look forward to working with Emma in this next phase.”
    Nick Day, Chair of the Board of ABAX
    “I am very pleased to be joining ABAX today as CEO, to continue to grow this European leader in telematics to a truly global player. As mobility demands pivot to meet macro realities, ABAX’s software platform will enable companies to deliver on sustainability goals as well as leverage risk reductions and operational efficiencies. I look forward to partnering with the ABAX team, with their extensive experience in building a transformative software company, as we serve our growing customer and strategic partner base.”
    Emma Dyga, CEO of ABAX
    “It has been an honor to work with the Abax team, employees, and shareholders as CEO over the past 5 years. The company has doubled in size and transformed from a leading Nordic Telematics player into a Telematics and Data Mobility Leader. With Emma as our new CEO, this journey will accelerate.”
    Morten Strand, Vice Chairman of ABAX
    The Macro environment is still challenging, which effects volume growth in some regions and segment, while markets like Holland, Finland and UK exceeds our growth expectations. We will continue to strengthen our position by creating value for our customers through developing products utilizing data which save our customer’s money, time and resources
    Morten Strand, CEO, ABAX
    We are very proud that despite tough times we can show an ARR of 746 MNOK with a continued growth of 4% compared to the previous year. This is due to the fact that we have opened new verticals while maintaining our topline sales. We can also see positive effects from our focus on optimising cash flow. With a very solid foundation, we now look forward to growing our business further in both existing and new markets with a focus on meeting our customers' needs to manage mobility data smartly and efficiently.
    Morten Strand, CEO, ABAX
    ABAX strives to procure the best materials at the most reasonable prices and that they fulfil our corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the environment and the community through our procurement initiatives. Our new policy is a critical step in committing to the ABAX Group’s global corporate social responsibility.
    Jon Hearn, ABAX Compliance & Performance Director
    ABAX are one of the largest telematics companies in Europe and we’re very pleased to be able to welcome them to our partner programme. Their products are widely used across our customer base, especially by commercial vehicle fleets, and this new integration will make life much easier for them, helping consolidate essential data streams into one place.
    Peter Golding, Managing Director at FleetCheck
    Customers are at the center of everything that ABAX does, and as such adding a valuable Partner like FleetCheck increases our service offering. Using two great solutions will enable our mutual customers to be more efficient and profitable.
    Craig Allan, Global Director of Key Accounts and Partnerships at ABAX
     It is a strength for ABAX to work closely with a partner that is familiar with car producers and the distribution field.
    Morten Strand
    We have had a tremendous 12 months at ABAX, not only have we been able to grow the UK offering, but we have expanded our suite of innovative solutions to help even more business owners and fleet managers as they strive to be more efficient and productive.
    Craig Allan, Director Strategic Partnerships
    We are very excited about this new partnership and are looking forward to showing AVRO members the huge benefits on offer through our telematics solutions. The beauty of the products available to them is that they are designed to be easily installed while providing huge amounts of valuable data to help track, protect and secure their vehicles and other assets.
    Kevin Bull, ABAX UK Commercial Director
    We are proud of the fact that ABAX has been certified for these three standards for 10 years in a row! How many of our competitors can say the same?
    Titta Bjerck, Quality Compliance Manager at ABAX
    We are committed to giving our customers access to the best experiences possible, with our focus being on solving actual problems our customers are facing and providing real value to them. We believe that investing in our Technology is crucial to match our company strategy.
    Paul Walsh, CTO at ABAX
    Many of our customer base today are spending their days working out in the field, away from a desk. They do not have time to investigate the future of technology and what it involves for their business. We make it easy for them to benefit from their own data, to become more cost-efficient, and decrease their CO2 footprint.
    Stig Fossum, Senior Product Owner of ABAX
    It’s pleasing to see the UK construction industry leading the way in Europe with this pro-active response to criminals who are continually advancing their tactics. A combination of highly accurate technology together with traditional anti-theft methods will help to keep the industry an important step ahead, at the same time as potentially saving it a small fortune.
    Kevin Bull, ABAX UK Commercial Director
    The new ABAX Geofence builds on what ABAX already delivers and will help any business to increase their control, reduce risk and increase efficiency by having one solution that covers all the assets in the company.
    Stig Fossum, Product Owner, ABAX
    ABAX is in a strategic transition that involves moving from a focus on product sales into focusing on our services and SaaS.  With my background in both technology and marketing I hope to apply this experience when ABAX will start the shift.  After six years at Amazon, I also have a good understanding of how a team is best organised so they can nail their deliveries, but also to sell complex things, make advanced technology accessible to the customer.
    Sofia Toll, CMO ABAX
    This full innovative solution offered by ABAX not only puts fleet managers in a better position to quickly identify and manage any risks, but allows them to manage their operation more efficiently than traditional insurance policies.
    Craig Allan, Director Strategic Partnerships
    All companies should scrutinize how their business impacts the world, and this is more important in 2022 than ever before in the history of humanity.
    Bruce Atle Karlsen, Chief Performance Officer ABAX
    Volvo is a significant supplier of machines to the Scandinavian market. The opportunity to be able to connect to technology that is already installed in Volvo's machines will enable major gains for both the environment and costs. We must all take responsibility and take advantage of the development opportunities that exist, not least in an industry with a major impact on society. We want to inspire others in the industry to make a difference and expand their digital services.
    Paul Walsh, CTO ABAX
    Our extended partnership with ABAX means we can continue our growth into Europe, whilst providing flexible and affordable insurance to thousands of fleet businesses – helping them save time and money.
    Sten Saar, CEO and Co-Founder of Zego
    By moving fully to the cloud, we can quickly scale up our performance to meet demands with “a click of a button”. There is no need for expensive hardware investments and long lead times as we grow our platform.
    Wan Luo, Senior Director of Engineering in ABAX 
    Volvo is a significant supplier of machines to the Scandinavian market. The opportunity to be able to connect to technology that is already installed in Volvo's machines will enable major gains for both the environment and costs.
    Paul Walsh, CTO of ABAX
    In a hectic and speedy workday, Hackathon is a way for us to make room for our developers to think outside of the box to be innovative and at the same time have fun. The end goal is for us to come up with some great ideas that increase growth on our new and existing portfolio.
    Kjetil Lassen, Director of S/W Engineering 
    In line with our evolving strategy and ambitions it is important to give the team an arena to be creative, look for new solutions and implement ideas that will provide value to our customers.
    Paul Walsh, CTO and leader of the Tech section. 
    By using ABAX and Linkway a customer can get GPS data from multiple sources and see the combined picture in one solution.
    Bjørn Brustad, Commercial Integration Manager, ABAX
    With two acquisition and all the new people, we will see more collaboration, ideas and insight. We want to mix the teams and have people work in new circles. We want people to get to know each other and share their experiences.
    Wan Luo, Senior Director of Engineering at ABAX
    Together with RAM track-and-trace high technical knowledge and software functionality ABAX will form a leading Nordic SaaS telematics company and deliver value-added connectivity services to the customers of both companies.
    Morten Strand, CEO ABAX
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