
Att mäta och integrera social hållbarhet i affärsstrategin har historiskt visat sig vara en näst intill omöjlig uppgift. Det kräver mod och nytänkande att utmana etablerade sanningar och bana ny väg. Tillsammans med våra medgrundare har vi nu gjort just det
säger Patrik Andersson, VD för Brunswick och styrelseordförande i SINDI
We are pleased to have executed this transaction on behalf of Partners Group. Over the last several years, we have implemented significant asset management initiatives, including securing large anchor tenants, the redevelopment of 8,500 sqm retail space in Västerås as well as the development of three fast food restaurants to further strengthen local service offerings. We would like to thank our local asset management partner P&E Fastighetspartner for the excellent cooperation over the years and wish Svenska Handelsfastigheter success with the continued management of this well-positioned portfolio
comments Annika Fridolf, CEO of Fersen and Partner at Brunswick Real Estate
In line with Brunswick’s strategy to identify and develop sustainable investment strategies, Lindu Ejendomme provides a perfect example of asset-by-asset aggregation and active asset management with a focus on ESG. I am very proud of what the team has achieved and we are committed long-term to Denmark, a market that continues to present compelling opportunities
Anthony Romano, Country Head Denmark at Brunswick
Vi är otroligt stolta att kunna bevisa att investeringar i social hållbarhet bidrar direkt till affärsnytta och att vi som fastighetsägare på kort tid kan göra skillnad. Alla som har arbetat med Hemmaplan har brutit ny mark för fastighetsbranschen genom att sätta mätbara målsättningar inom det sociala arbetet och skapat ett nytt och innovativt sätt att jobba med traditionell förvaltning. Vi är tacksamma för att ha jobbat med en stark och långsiktig part som Bonnier Fastigheter i byggandet av Hemmaplan och vi önskar dem all lycka med den fortsatta utvecklingen
säger Patrik Andersson, vd på Brunswick Real Estate
We continue to strengthen our portfolio with yet another attractive property with strong cashflow and ESG improvement potential. We are looking forward to develop and future proof Vassingerodvej 84 together with the tenant and previous owner
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick
Vi vill utveckla Gottsunda tillsammans med och för människor som bor och är verksamma här. Därför började vi vår resa i Gottsunda med att prata med våra hyresgäster och besökare, och bjuda in dem till att utveckla centrumet tillsammans med oss. Genom samtal, vår klottervägg och vår hyresgäst- och besöksundersökning har vi fått fram en topplista med butiker, service och annat som våra besökare drömmer om i Gottsunda. Högst upp på den listan fanns Normal, och det känns fantastiskt roligt att redan nu kunna ge våra besökare det
säger Cecilia Safaee, vd på Hemmaplan
Kanalholmen 37 er en attraktiv ejendom, der er velegnet til last mile logistik med sin indretning og fremragende beliggenhed. Jeg synes, det supplerer vores eksisterende portefølje af last mile logistik og industriejendomme perfekt. Teamet og jeg ser frem til at arbejde sammen med lejeren og udvikle ejendommen yderligere, især med henblik på strategiske ESG-initiativer
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick, siger
Kanalholmen 37 is an attractive property that is well suited for last mile logistics given its layout and excellent location. I find it complements our existing portfolio of last mile logistics and light industrial properties perfectly. The team and I look forward to working with the tenant and developing the property further, especially with strategic ESG initiatives
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick
För oss har det varit en självklarhet att koppla vår finansiering till våra hållbarhetsmål, och vi är glada att få förtroendet av SEB att genomföra detta tillsammans. Genom att offentliggöra och rapportera våra mål med utvecklingen av Gottsunda Centrum, och i förlängningen hela området, kan vi påvisa att en positiv samhällsutveckling också är en ekonomiskt hållbar affär. Det ställer högre krav på oss att lyckas, och vi hoppas att det också kan inspirera andra fastighetsägare att arbeta långsiktigt med samhällsutveckling i sin förvaltning
Cecilia Safaee, vd på Hemmaplan
This is an excellent addition to the growing Lindu portfolio, and it also reconfirms Lindu’s ability and strength to acquire and close when most have taken a step back due to the current challenges in the market. We continue to scan the market to add more properties to our portfolio and look forward to develop our current portfolio in close collaboration with our tenants and based on their needs
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick, said
Ejendommen er en glimrende tilføjelse til den voksende Lindu-portefølje, og det bekræfter også Lindu Ejendommes evne og styrke til at finde og erhverve ejendomme, i en tid, hvor de fleste har taget et skridt tilbage på grund af de aktuelle udfordringer i markedet. Vi fortsætter med at være på udkig i markedet for at tilføje flere ejendomme til vores voksende portefølje og ser frem til at udvikle vores nuværende portefølje i tæt samarbejde med vores lejere, baseret på deres behov
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick, siger
Brunswick has had a strong development and growth over the last 10 years, and I am happy to see both our ventures and debt businesses moving on in new contexts – I see it as a proof that our business model of growing strong and independent companies works. We now focus the firm to grow our existing companies and create new exciting ventures
Patrik Andersson, CEO Brunswick Real Estate
I am very proud what the team developed under the wings of Brunswick over the past years. We have developed the firm from being pioneers in the real estate market to have a well-established operation with esteemed investors. With our new ownership structure, I look forward to developing the firm together with existing and new investors
Pontus Sundin, CEO Niam Credit (former Brunswick Real Estate Capital)
This acquisition is a perfect fit in Lindu’s investment strategy and the team and I are especially excited about the recent ESG projects and our ability to enhance its green profile further. We now look forward to source more investment opportunities as well as develop the existing portfolio further
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager at Brunswick,
We are very happy to see Lindu growing with such high-quality assets and strong focus on improving the properties climate footprint. Denmark provides interesting market fundamentals and investment opportunities both for Lindu as well as Brunswick
Patrik Andersson, CEO of Brunswick
Dette opkøb passer perfekt ind i Lindus investeringsstrategi, og teamet og jeg er især begejstrede for de seneste ESG-projekter og vores evne til at styrke den grønne profil yderligere. Vi ser nu frem til at finde flere investeringsmuligheder samt udvikle den eksisterende portefølje yderligere
Anthony Romano, Investment Manager for Brunswick
Vi er meget glade for at se Lindu vokse med så høje kvalitetsaktiver og stærkt fokus på at forbedre ejendommens klimaaftryk. Danmark er et interassant marked med spændende investeringsmuligheder for både Lindu og Brunswick
Patrik Andersson, CEO for Brunswick
Vi er glade for at kunne lancere endnu et ejendomsselskab sammen med Pictet.Denne gang på det meget interessante danske marked. Jeg er specielt stolt af Jes Rovsing og teamets enorme indsats i forbindelse med sourcing, screening og gennemførelse af de vellykkede transaktioner, der udgør porteføljen for Lindu, samt etablering af den lokale asset management model i Danmark. Jeg ser frem til at se Lindu udvikle sig yderligere med vores fantastiske team på plads
Patrik Andersson, CEO for Brunswick Real Estate
We are very pleased with the partnership with Pictet and our achievements during a fairly short period of time, not least on the energy side where the environmental footprint of the property will be reduced significantly. There is still a lot of value to be created and we now look forward to continue developing the property together with Barings
David Hävermark, Partner at Brunswick
These acquisitions contribute with a modern office in central Tampere with a tax-financed tenant as well as a portfolio of light industry and big-box retail in good locations around the Helsinki region. It is a very good complement to our existing portfolio with strong tenants
comments Hanna Rauhala, Partner and Head of Finland at Brunswick Real Estate
We are pleased to have completed a substantial exit in Finland. This represents a major milestone for the two Fersen structures and we want to thank everyone involved, not least our local assets management partners in Finland
comments Annika Fridolf, Fund Manager Fersen and Partner, Brunswick Real Estate
Bohild complements Brunswick’s existing six investments mandates very well. At Brunswick we have a clear focus on measurable improvement projects for the climate and the social context of our tenants, we are very happy to share these values with Länsförsäkringar and to have them with us on this journey.
Patrik Andersson CEO of Brunswick: 
We are happy to further strengthen our presence in regional cities in Finland. The properties have very good locations and contribute with additional stable cash flows and interesting development opportunities
comments Hanna Rauhala, Partner and Head of Finland at Brunswick Real Estate
Our goal is to influence borrowers to a positive development both in terms of environment and social issues. In addition to the effect it has on society, it also affects the underlying financial property values in the long run. The completed restructuring of the loan, together with Holmströmgruppen, has clear activities and evaluation methods, it is not only a milestone for us but for the entire finance and real estate industry
says Pontus Sundin, CEO of Brunswick Real Estate Capital
Our investment mandate with Nyfosa continues to grow in Finland. With these acquisitions we are expanding our presence in Jyväskylä and broaden the portfolio further with attractive locations and good returns. We have thus acquired properties on the Finnish market to a total value of approximately 3.4 billion SEK
comments Hanna Rauhala, Partner and Head of Finland at Brunswick Real Estate
We continue to build a good portfolio in the Finnish market. This acquisition complements the office portfolios and gives us modern industrial and retail properties in good locations with two well-established tenants
Hanna Rauhala, Partner and Head of Finland, Brunswick Real Estate
We are pleased to have started Nyfosa Finland's journey with these two deals, which both contribute with strong cash flows and sustainable rental levels in growing regional cities. The establishment of Nyfosa Finland has been well received by the market and we have a strong pipeline of potential transactions going forward
Hanna Rauhala, Partner and Head of Finland of Brunswick Real Estate
Hemmaplan aims to take a new approach to real estate investment. Our goal is to generate meaningful and measurable change in urban commercial centres and their surroundings through local presence, partnerships, and collaborations with local organsiations. The acquisition of Rosengård Centrum and the partnership with Trianon is the ideal start for the company, not least given Trianon’s experience and track record in social sustainability.
Patrik Andersson, CEO of Brunswick:
Kielo marks a clear success in the evolution of Brunswick, I am particularly proud of the comprehensive sustainability and energy efficiency projects underpinning the core of Brunswick’s beliefs and the team and organization in Finland.
Patrik Andersson, CEO Brunswick Real Estate
We are thrilled to broaden our already established operations in Finland, and in particular to do this together with an agile and transaction-oriented company like Nyfosa. Our complementary fields of expertise and Brunswick’s proactive property management activities focusing on measurable sustainability give us the best starting point for a successful investment mandate.
Patrik Andersson, CEO of Brunswick Real Estate
We’ve taken the lead in property-related private debt in the Nordics and it’s great to be able to report that our business model is becoming an increasingly important alternative to traditional bank loans. Long secured loans and clear sustainability goals are an attractive combination for both borrowers and investors.”
Pontus Sundin, CEO Brunswick Real Estate Capital
The establishment of the partnership with Pictet provides an unparalleled opportunity for Brunswick to use its local expertise in a nuanced market to deliver strong returns. Our active approach to managing assets through development and measurable sustainability improvements is also in line with Pictet’s value-add strategy. We look forward to working with the team as we continue to look for further acquisition and development opportunities across the Nordics.
Patrik Andersson, Partner and CEO, Brunswick Real Estate
The Martintalo property with its great location and diversified tenant mix makes a perfect fit in the Kielo strategy and we believe we can further enhance the property with our sustainability investment agenda. It is also a great pleasure to have closed such significant acquisition in the current circumstances of Covid-19 and we look forward to grow further.
Hanna Rauhala, Fund Manager, Brunswick Real Estate
We are very proud of the continued confidence shown by our investors, especially given the current circumstances in the market in the wake of Covid-19. Our business model of senior secured and long-term financing is becoming more important for the property sector as an alternative to traditional bank loans and bonds with shorter maturities. We are committed to ensuring our investors contribute to a measurably positive change. In addition to green issues such as reduced carbon dioxide emissions and smarter energy consumption, we also want to ensure that our investments lead to an improvement in aspects of social sustainability.
Pontus Sundin, CEO Brunswick Real Estate Capital
This investment is part of our ambition to give our customers the best risk adjusted returns as possible. BREC III is an established fund that provides secured loans for property financing. They also have positive ambitions in their sustainability work and continues to raise the bar, for example by having developed a framework for green loans.
Michael Kjeller, Deputy CEO and Head of Asset Management and Sustainability, Folksam Group