Year-end Report January-December 2022
Outcome October - December• Net sales amounted to 185 (680) kSEK• Profit after net financial items amounted to –5 297 (–3 041) kSEK.• Basic and diluted earnings per share: –0,40 (–0,23) SEK.• Cash flow from operating activities and investing activities: –6 075 (–1 360) kSEK Outcome January – December• Net sales amounted to 2 002 (2 335) kSEK.• Profit after net financial items amounted to –21 253 (–11 620) kSEK.• Basic and diluted earnings per share: –1,63 (–0,89) SEK.• Cash flow from operating activities and investing activities: –22 257 (–17 968)