TC TECH Sweden AB (publ) publishes its interim report as of June 30th, 2020
TC TECH has today published its interim report for the period January 1 to June 30, 2020.Net sales amounted to 0 (4 254) TSEK in the second quarter of 2020. In the same period, net profit/loss totalled -5 250 (-6 838) TSEK. Cash flow from operating activities was -2 987 (-9 270) TSEK in the second quarter of 2020. Net sales amounted to 105 (5 118) TSEK in the first half of 2020, while net profit/loss totalled -12 657 (-15 372) TSEK. Cash flow from operating activities was -10 328 (-15 947) TSEK in the period from 1 January to 30 June 2020. Developments in the second quarter of 2020