Interim Report Rejlers AB January–September 2017
Continued transitionThird quarter• Sales increased by 8.9% to SEK 544.9 million (500.3)• Organic sales growth excluding exchange rate fluctuations amounted to -5.0 %• EBITA (adjusted) amounted to SEK 3.5 million (7.9) and the adjusted EBITA margin amounted to 0.6 % (1.6)• Operating profit amounted to SEK 0.5 million (4.9) and the operating margin was 0.1 % (1.0)• Profit/loss after tax was a loss of SEK 5.7 million (profit: 1.1)• Earnings per share before and after dilution were SEK -0.37 (0.12)• Cash flow from operating activities totalled SEK -35.0 million (-24.4) January-