Euroflorist Intressenter AB (publ) announces early redemption of the outstanding senior secured floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0011310606
Euroflorist Intressenter AB (publ) (the "Issuer") today announces the early redemption of the outstanding senior secured floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0011310606 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are currently listed on the Corporate Bond List of Nasdaq Stockholm. The Issuer has today, through the agent of the Bonds Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ), notified the holders of the Bonds (the "Bondholders") that the Bonds will be redeemed in full on 15 March 2021 (the "Early Redemption"). The Early Redemption is made in accordance with Clause 10.3 (Voluntary total redemption (American call options))