Misen Enterprises AB Received a Compensation for the Legal Costs
In accordance with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Ukraine dated 14 January 2021, JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya transferred to Misen Enterprises AB a compensation for the legal costs incurred in the arbitration case SCC No. V 2016/114. The compensation consists of the following amounts: EUR 2,739,784.53 (27,564 kSEK), SEK 344,415.38, USD 7,971.59 (app 65 kSEK) and GBP 10,940.05 (app 122 kSEK). Proceedings in relation to compensation for the share of Misen Enterprises AB and LLC Karpatygaz in the joint property, as awarded by the Arbitral Tribunal in arbitration case SCC No. V 2016/114, are