NOTE’s Year-end Report 2010
Continued sales growth, 3.3% operating margin and strong cash flowFinancial Performance October–December• Sales increased by 26% to SEK 366.8 (291.5) million. In like-for-like terms, sales increased by 37%.• Operating profit was SEK 12.2 (-2.7) million, or an operating margin of 3.3% (-0.9%).• The profit after financial items was SEK 8.1 (-4.2) million.• The profit after tax was SEK 2.0 (-9.9) million, or SEK 0.07 (-0.63) per share.• Cash flow after investments was SEK 40.2 (14.2) million, or SEK 1.39 (0.90) per share.• Dividend – the Board of Directors is proposing to the AGM