SaltX Technology Holding AB (publ): Interim report Q3 2017
Financial factsThird quarter -Operating income increased to MSEK 3.7 (2.2)-Operating result (EBIT) amounted to MSEK -8.0 (-5.6)-Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK -12.0 (-1.9)-Earnings per share SEK -0.14 Period January - September-Operating income increased to MSEK 13.7 (11.6)-Operating result (EBIT) amounted to MSEK -19.9 (-13.9)-Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK -21.4 (-10.6) -Earnings per share SEK -0.38 Significant events Third quarter-SaltX won Serendipity Challenge 2017-SaltX partned with Impacts Solar in Australia