Klaria Annual Report 2022
The year in brief - Net sales amounted to 5.9 MSEK (0.0 MSEK) - Other operating income amounted to 0.7 MSEK (37.5 MSEK) - R&D costs amounted to 51.4 MSEK (63.5 MSEK) - Profit/loss after tax amounted to -63.8 MSEK (-53.5 MSEK) - Earnings per share amounted to -1.10 SEK (-1.03 SEK) - Cash flow from operations amounted to -49.7 MSEK (-24.8 MSEK) - Shareholder’s equity as of December 31, 2022 amounted to 76.1 MSEK (69.4 MSEK) - Cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2022 amounted to 16.8 MSEK (25.5 MSEK)