NOTE’s Year-end Report 2017
Financial performance October–December• Sales increased by 13% to SEK 325.0 (288.2) million.• Operating profit rose to SEK 22.6 (16.5) million.• Operating margin expanded by 1.3 percentage points to 7.0% (5.7%).• Profit after financial items increased to SEK 21.6 (15.1) million.• Profit after tax rose to SEK 17.8 (12.9) million, corresponding to SEK 0.62 (0.45) per share.• Cash flow after investments amounted to SEK 1.8 (3.2) million, or SEK 0.06 (0.11) per share.Financial performance January–December• Sales amounted to SEK 1,175.7 (1,098.1) million. Excluding divestments,