Aker ASA: Exercises call option for AKER07 bond 2012/2019
7 March 2017 - Aker ASA has today notified Nordic Trustee ASA of its intention to exercise its call option for Bond issue AKER07 (ISIN NO0010635212) of NOK 500 million. The entire Bond issue will be repaid at 104.00 per cent of par value (plus accrued interest), with settlement date 21. April 2017.For further information, please contact: Media:Atle Kigen, Head of Corporate CommunicationsPhone: +47 24 13 00 08Mobile: +47 90 78 48 78 Investors:Per Kristian Reppe, Head of Investor RelationsPhone: +47 24 13 00 67Mobile: +47 90 03 32 03 This information is subject to the