

  • Patrick Bach


    Alfred Nobels Allé 150 P.O Box 15 146 21 Tullinge Sweden
    +46 8 440 58 80
  • Quotes

    “It is very encouraging to be presented with such an opportunity to invest in the company,where we are all contribute to build for the future”
    Nina Nilsson, Head of Marketing
    We are excited about the study and the possibility to improve the quality of life for these patients.
    Lena Lindbo, urotherapist and COO at the Centre for Spinal Cord Injury and Professor Åke Seiger, physician and R&D Manager at the Rehab Station Stockholm.
    We want to make a difference to these patients and reduce the suffering a urinary tract infection involves.
    Dorota Johansson, Director of R&D and Clinical Trials at Bactiguard.
    - In this project, we use
    Dr Dorota Johansson, Head of R&D and Clinical Trials at Bactiguard
    - We want to provide a tissue-friendly, non-toxic and non-leaching solution and we will provide a cost efficient add-on solution to catheters that address the need for efficient infection control and tailor-made intelligent materials without increasing the burden of multi-resistance to antibiotics.
    Dr Ajay Luthra, CEO BioInteractions Ltd.
    - Europe is one of our markets in focus and the EAU Congress offers a great opportunity to meet high-level medical professionals and experts in urology to create awareness about our efficient, safe and well-proven solution for infection control.
    Cecilia Edström, Director of Sales and New Business
    We are proud to be associated with Bactiguard, and hope that this association will be a successful partnership.
    J M Hedge, Managing Director Biorad Medisys Pvt Ltd.
    I strongly believe in our partnership with Biorad Medisys Pvt Ltd. Our ongoing trials in India will also further strengthen the clinical evidence that our products are effective and cost-efficient in the battle against healthcare associated infections in India
    Johan Rugfelt, COO Bactiguard
    Now we can seriously begin developing the world's largest market together with our Chinese partner Jian An who, together with us, have been waiting for this breakthrough
    Christian Kinch; CEO Bactiguard
    Bactiguard has a clinically proven solution for preventing healthcare associated infections, which has great potential in the Chinese market. We have the ambition to take a significant market share for Foley catheters in China and are now ready to begin sales to Chinese hospitals
    Mr Zhangyi Zhan, CEO of Jian An Pharmaceutical.
    We are delighted that we can now start penetrating the Indian market for real. The problem of healthcare associated infections is huge, particularly in India, where the largest consumption of antibiotics in the world has led to a high level of multi-resistant bacteria. This means that there is an urgent need for preventive solutions.
    Cecilia Edström
    Sales of Bard’s Foleys with Bactiguard’s infection control coating have been stable over a long period of time. It is therefore encouranging that Bard has to increase the safety stock to meet its production targets, which has a positive impact on our revenues and makes a significant contribution to cash flow
    Christian Kinch, CEO Bactiguard
    We are very pleased about the increased interest from the healthcare system in Saudi Arabia and UAE to combat hospital acquired infections at the source. Preventive measures will become more and more important as multi resistant bacteria continue to spread across the world. Bactiguard provides solutions which are both effective and cost-efficent
    Christian Kinch
    “The recruitment of Niels Christiansen as CEO was unfortunately not right for Bactiguard and therefore he leaves the company. The Board has appointed me as the new CEO and thereby secured continuity in the company. At the same time, the Board has appointed Stanley Brodén as Chairman, to split the roles as Chairman and CEO.”
    Christian Kinch
    Our market breakthrough in Africa proves that Bactiguard can provide solutions which are not only effective in preventing infections, but also cost-effective
    Niels Christiansen
    I am very pleased that we have managed to attract Niels Christiansen to join Bactiguard. The company is in a development and growth phase and Niels has extensive experience of developing major business, like Siemens, as well as smaller growth enterprises, such as HemoCue. He has a strong track record of leading organizations in transition and generating growth in an international environment.
    Christian Kinch, Chairman of Bactiguard
    Johan Rugfelt will return to his previous position as COO, as his private situation doesn’t allow him to continue as CEO. By doing so, we secure important continuity in the company.
    Christian Kinch, Chairman of Bactiguard
    Bactiguard’s technology saves lives, which is an important driving force for me. Hospital acquired infections and the spread of multi resistant bacteria are major challenges to society, which Bactiguard contributes to preventing. I am therefore proud over the possibility to lead the company in the expansion phase ahead of us.
    Niels Christiansen
    Bactiguard is in a rapid expansion phase. Building strong marketing and sales capabilities to support our distributors across the world and develop direct sales in select markets is a strategic priority. Nina Nilsson has solid experience in both international marketing and sales and I warmly welcome her to Bactiguard.
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO
    Expanding our geographical footprint in Europe is an important part of Bactiguard’s strategy. By entering the Portuguese market we take an important step in this direction.
    Johan Rugfelt CEO
    Socime Medical began marketing and distributing medical and surgical equipment in 1997, in the fields of neurosurgery and interventional cardiology. Since then, we have broadened the scope of our business, looking for new products and seeking out the best solutions to health needs in Portugal.
    Paulo Amaro, owner of Socime Medical Ltd.
    We excel by selecting our suppliers with care, thereby ensuring the total reliability of the products we represent and look forward to introducing the Bactiguard portfolio for infection prevention on the Portuguese market
    Paulo Amaro, owner of Socime Medical Ltd.
    “Bactiguard is in a rapid expansion phase. We have developed our own product portfolio, which prevents hospital acquired infections, and successfully established distributors in Asia, the Middle East, South America and Southern Africa. We will now shift focus to strengthening our sales and marketing function to expand sales.”
    Joahn Rugfelt CEO Bactiguard
    “Erik Düring has solid international experience from the medtech industry. With Erik as the regional sales director for Europe, we strengthen our competence and can really start focusing on developing the Swedish and other European markets.”
    Johan Rugfelt CEO Bactiguard
    “Hospital acquired infection and antibiotic resistant bacteria are a huge global concern. The fact that emerging markets with major healthcare challenges and limited budgets see the value in using Bactiguard’s technology as a preventive measure is very encouraging.”
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO Bactiguard
    “We initiated our market activities in Africa just over a year ago and this work is now bearing fruit. We will have a strong market presence in Southern Africa and establish our business in growing economies with large populations, with special emphasis on South Africa and Zambia.
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO Bactiguard
    The initial order from Zambia is primarily intended for the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, the largest hospital in the country with more than 1,600 hospital beds. What we have achieved this far is beyond our expectations.”
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO Bactiguard
    “This is an important study, as it confirms that the use of Bactiguard coated Foleys can significantly reduce both symptomatic urinary tract infections and the use of antibiotics. This is very encouraging given the rapidly increasing problem of healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance world wide,”
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO Bactiguard
    ”Bactiguard’s mission is to prevent healthcare-related infections, reduce the use of antibiotics and save lives by developing and manufacturing infection preventive healthcare products. In recent years we have concentrated on developing our own product portfolio and building up a global network of distributors. With the listing of Bactiguard, the final piece of the puzzle falls into place as this provides us with the financial strength necessary to genuinely realise the vigorous growth that we see ahead of us.”
    Johan Rugfelt, CEO
    ”Bactiguard's journey so far has been fantastic, from technical innovation and a licensing business to an international medtech company with its own product portfolio. During the subscription period we have experienced great interest in Bactiguard, from both the public and institutions, and it is gratifying that the offer has been oversubscribed. However, we have received requests from many investors that we, as principal owners, should retain a larger shareholding than was initially deemed appropriate. We have therefore decided to reduce the number of existing shares being sold. We see great potential in Bactiguard, and we look forward to participating in the company's continued development and value growth together with new shareholders.”
    Christian Kinch, Chairman of the Board and principal owner



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