

Couples may share most things in life, but we are all different when it comes to sleep. So often one person will feel too warm and the other too cold when it comes to duvet sharing. This means that one of them is likely to have an uncomfortable night with disrupted sleep, leading to tiredness every morning.
Dick Beijen, Co-owner and Managing Director, Devon Duvets
Our patented joining system also means that sections can be ‘mixed and matched’ throughout the seasons, with extra individual half sections obtained as required. This can also help lessen the expense of having to purchase full size, duvets for each season, especially if one person needs a warmer or cooler duvet at different times or for longer than their partner.
Dick Beijen, Co-owner and Managing Director, Devon Duvets
The name THREE Duvets came through the idea that it’s a duvet made from two halves that come together as one. However, THREE Duvets is more than just a duvet, it’s a symbol of unity and harmony in the bedroom. It’s about honouring individual preferences, whilst embracing togetherness. Sleep is so important for our wellbeing and this product creates an environment that nurtures and supports your relationship in how harmoniously you sleep together
Pauline Beijen, Co-owner and Director, Devon Duvets
We’re living through some difficult times, where everything also seems to be fast paced and stressful. This has created some sharp edges to life and so it has never been more important than to be kind to ourselves and to others. We not only want our products to help people to sleep better – we believe in using a gentle approach to our marketing, and one that highlights our commitment to our customers, and their physical and emotional wellbeing.
Pauline Beijen, Co-founder and Director, Devon Duvets
Each of our bedtime stories contains a narrative that is thoughtfully crafted, reflecting not just our ethical sourcing of materials, the essence of our products and how we make them, but also the values and traditions that we hold dear. Our tales are more than just stories; they embody the love, warmth and care that we craft into each and every duvet, pillow and mattress topper
Pauline Beijen, Co-founder and Director, Devon Duvets
As we are a family run business, we wanted to ensure that this ‘family feeling’ is part and parcel of our stories, so we didn’t have a need to approach external agencies to come up with ideas. We wanted the stories to genuinely reflect the ethos and values that each of us at Devon Duvets contributes to our products and the journeys behind them
Pauline Beijen, Co-founder and Director, Devon Duvets
Our British wool toppers are more than just products. They are a symbol of luxury imbued with our founding principles of craftsmanship and sustainability. We take pride in offering products that not only help people to sleep better but are also crafted with a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. The high-grade British wool that we use is gathered from farmers we know, and we encase that in 100% cotton fabric woven specifically for us with cotton fibres certified by the Better Cotton initiative. Because we source direct, we can be confident our supply chain shares our environmental values.
Dick Beijen, Managing Director and co-founder, Devon Duvets
In an age where consumers are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact, Devon Duvets has led the way for 15 years and remains at the forefront, offering luxurious soft filled bedding solutions that do not compromise on ethical standards. In many cases luxury and sustainability are far from being mutually exclusive, she adds. However, our mattress toppers are just that, offering a sleep experience that is not only luxurious but also kind to our planet.
Pauline Beijen, Director and co-founder, Devon Duvets
We founded Devon Duvets on our commitment to helping British sheep farmers, who for many years were struggling to sell their fleeces for a fair price. Over the years by making our products, we have helped to raise awareness of the wonderful qualities of wool, leading to a sharp increase in the market share for wool bedding. Choosing a rare breeds sheep wool duvet means choosing a piece of history, a connection to the land and supports our continuing commitment to sustainable products and practices.
Pauline Beijen, Co-founder and Director of Devon Duvets
We are delighted to be supplying Devon Duvets with the wool from our wonderful, rare breed sheep for this special project. A company with sustainability at its core, Devon Duvets is helping to raise the awareness of the quality and versatility of this locally sourced natural product and we are very excited to be on board.
John Witheridge, President of the Devon Closewool Sheep Breeders’ Society
Devon Duvets are to be congratulated for investing in this new range. It is wonderful to see a native breed wool being used in this way. Our native sheep breeds were bred to live in particular landscapes and habitats, to meet the needs of local populations. The Devon Closewool produces a dense, medium-length fleece, ideal for bedding and is almost synonymous with Exmoor farming, so there could not be a better breed to use to launch the collection. We look forward to working with Devon Duvets and fully anticipate this being just the start of a brilliant initiative.
Christopher Price, CEO, Rare Breeds Survival Trust
We are delighted to have collaborated with one of our long-term partners Devon Duvets on this exciting new range and we look forward to working together to drive sales for this excellent initiative.
Graham Clark, British Wool
We’re extremely proud and delighted to have been awarded membership of The Guild of Master Craftsmen - a renowned association that showcases companies and artisans with special skills and expertise.” “Each of our wool filled duvets, mattress toppers and pillows, is individually handcrafted by our professional seamstresses, who use sewing machines that have been designed to our specification. We do not prefabricate any element; every stage is done right here in Devon – from cutting the 100% cotton fabric for making the casings, to cutting the wool layers to fit exactly, and then sewing and binding the whole product to a design we created to provide a wonderful drape. There is a special skill involved and the result is a product that helps people to sleep better and is more luxurious than mass produced and prefabricated bedding.
Dick Beijen, Manager Director and Co-Owner, Devon Duvets
We are delighted to welcome Devon Duvets to the Guild of Master Craftsmen. Their clear commitment to skill, integrity and excellence, as well as authenticity, wellbeing and sustainability, align perfectly with the Guild. It is great to see such a clear ethos at the forefront of such an exciting business.
Martin Brown, Director, Guild of Master Craftsmen