
Sometimes it is not the ads that have been tipped to be successful that perform best; this can be influenced by creators, clients and publishers. The risk of not succeeding is exactly what Emerse Labs minimizes because advertisers testing ad variants in this way provides actual evidence about which variant is the best performing.
Carl-Johan Grund, CEO of Emerse
It was astonishing when the test campaign proved that even a small difference in design could have a big impact on the click rate. This meant that, based on facts, we were able to make the decision to run the main campaign with the best banner and use our advertising budget correctly.
Dag Westerberg, Marketing Manager at Sova
Our mission is to develop and deliver technology and services that enable our clients, advertisers we trust, to create powerful, relevant and sustainable digital advertising. We advocate that the time for guessing which advertising works and which doesn’t, is over.
Carl-Johan Grund, Founder and CEO of Emerse
We’re very happy to work with Emerse on this campaign. Having a media technology partner that truly understands the opportunities of programmatic will no doubt help us reach our goals.
Thomas Westrum, EVP Digital at Uniti
Uniti is well-positioned in the market for smart, electric vehicles. I really liked their car the first time I saw it, both the design and the technology are cutting edge. On the path of re-inventing the car company, Uniti is also on the path to re-invent digital marketing. I'm really pleased Emerse was picked to partner with Uniti for their programmatic advertising.
Carl-Johan Grund, Founder and CEO of Emerse
Our goal is always to create not only reach, but effect. We want to see an increase in customer sales and that their other goals are met. Emerse technology is an aid to all of that and all our development is driven by this philosophy. The unique knowledge we have gained in over 10 years of digital advertising working for several successful companies is valuable for all of our customers
Carl-Johan Grund, CEO and founder of Emerse
Thanks to Emerse Platform, I've learned to find more ways of getting good results from a campaign, which is the essence of our job!
Alexander Kollstedt, Display Manager at Viva Media
I’m very excited to take on this new role to build on the successes we have already had and to take relationships among all of our partners to a new level. At Emerse, we strive to make our clients successful. In working more closely with our current data and supply partners, as well as adding new important players to the mix, we will be able to grow our client portfolio and help them be even more successful. I’m really looking forward to this new role!
Tracy Levin, Emerse, the newly appointed Head of Partnerships
The UK has been a strategically important market for us ever since we began. We already have many significant customers here so it is very important to have a strong team in London. Ajay is our first set of ‘boots on the ground’ and we’re looking for more talent!
Carl-Johan Grund, CEO, Emerse
Emerse offers highly competitive Swedish technology in a market that is growing incredibly fast. We are seeing more budget moving from TV to programmatic video marketing for example and it's really only a question of time before TV media will also become programmatic.
Ajay Daved, UK Country Director, Emerse