

I am very pleased to welcome Lina to Preem and to our Group Management. Lina has many years of financial experience and a profile that fits well with Preem's corporate culture, with our strong focus on profitability and market efficiency and financial stability
Petter Holland, CEO Preem
It feels very positive and exciting. Preem is a company that is at the forefront in many important areas. I am really looking forward to becoming a part of Preem and continue to develop the company together with my new colleagues
Lina Stolpe, incoming CFO at Preem
This feels like a win-win for everyone, where we both create more efficient portraits, reduce our environmental impact while saving money that we can donate for charitable purposes with Sirius. The fact that the choice fell on Mercy Ships is due to the fact that it is a relief organization that stands for international shipping
Fredrik Backman, Head of Shipping Department at Preem
Thun Evolve has been built with the latest design to meet and exceed current and upcoming environmental regulations. Thun Evolve meets high standards of safety, efficiency with a very low environmental impact and can be powered by liquid natural gas (LNG) or Biogas (LBG)
Joakim Lund, Chief Commercial Officer at Thun Tankers
Our maritime transport is an important part of Preem's operations. We are therefore very pleased with the company's latest addition of new environmentally adapted tankers, using the latest hull design for improved performance, lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions. It is also in line with Preem's high-end sustainability requirements
Fredrik Backman, Head of Shipping Department at Preem
The company continues to show good growth and profitability driven by, among other things, stable operations at refineries, good margins and continued increasing sales volumes
Petter Holland, President and CEO of Preem
If Sweden is to be an example in the transition to renewable fuels, we need to utilize the unique potential of Swedish sustainable raw materials from forestry and agriculture. We need a policy that stimulates domestic production of biofuels
Helene Samuelsson, Communications Manager at Preem
Swedish biomass control tools are aimed at increasing the use of biofuels only, but lack incentives to conserve and increase domestic production of biofuels. This approach must be changed. Increased Swedish production would lead to more jobs, a living rural area and safer energy supply
Alarik Sandrup, chief executive officer at Lantmännen
Preem's vision is to be a leader in the transition to a sustainable society, and we are actively working to develop our production of Swedish biofuels. We look forward to working with SAS to expand our production to include in a large scale biojet
Sören Eriksson, development engineer at Preem
SAS's sustainability and restructuring work is about investing in more environmentally efficient aircraft, flying in an environmentally friendly manner, and using fuel based on renewable sources. This statement of intent is an important puzzle in our work towards a long-term more sustainable flight
Lars Andersen Resare, SAS Sustainability Manager
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