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  • “Even the strictest carbon footprint targets can be achieved”– Ruukki enables the construction industry to choose greener

“Even the strictest carbon footprint targets can be achieved”– Ruukki enables the construction industry to choose greener

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Climate change and stricter regulations are driving the construction industry to develop solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Reducing the life cycle impacts of buildings calls for active parties and enablers of the transition across the industry. Ruukki Construction, part of SSAB, is transforming the industry with innovative building products made with more sustainable next-generation steels. New products and a holistic approach to life cycle impacts enable customers to build more sustainably.

Material choices are one of the key factors in sustainable construction. Ruukki strives to grow significantly the use of low-carbon alternatives as raw materials for its products, such as recycled-based SSAB Zero™ steel and SSAB Fossil-free steel™. By opting for low-carbon options, we can make a significant impact on life cycle emissions right from the start.

This year, Ruukki launched Ruukki® LowCarbon product range – an example of an actual product line that guarantees lower carbon footprint and considers life cycle impact in the manufacturing and transportation stages. Ruukki® Classic LowCarbon roof profile is estimated to reduce emissions by up to 70% and sandwich panels by up to 50%, compared to products made of standard steel. 

Emissions originating in the manufacturing phase are minimized using fossil-free electricity and choosing material and logistics options with minimum environmental impact. Ruukki's production facilities are strategically located across Europe, reducing transportation distances, cutting emissions, and supporting the local job market while ensuring faster, more efficient delivery to customers.

The world’s first SSAB Fossil-free™ steel building products are already in use

Ruukki has delivered the first-ever sandwich panels and roofing products made with SSAB Fossil-free™ steel to carefully selected customers with a strong sustainability agenda. In 2023, we realized together with Peab, Wihlborgs and SSAB in Sweden and Honkarakenne in Finland the world’s first pilots featuring building products made with SSAB Fossil-free™ steel. This year, Ruukki will supply sandwich panels and design profiles in the Ruukki® LowCarbon product family to a logistics center Nrep Logicenters is building in Finland.

"We are proud to be able to take the construction industry towards carbon neutrality with our products. Our LowCarbon products help customers reach even the strictest carbon footprint targets for buildings," says Sami Eronen, President, Ruukki Construction.
However, sustainable construction is not the job of one company, and partnering with like-minded allies is equally vital in the fight against climate change. Ruukki collaborates with insulation suppliers, for example, to develop more sustainable offerings that help reduce emissions during the lifetime of the building through building-integrated solar solutions and airtight envelope solutions.  

Ruukki sets an ambitious goal: 70% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030

Ruukki also has its own ambitious sustainability objectives. In 2023, the company announced a new target for its operations: to reduce its CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases by 70% by 2030 compared to 2019. 

The previous target was achieved ahead of schedule. Central to exceeding this goal has been converting fossil energy sources to low-carbon or fossil-free ones. In the future, Ruukki will expand carbon footprint calculations to cover the entire value chain and try to reduce the chain's climate impact through its actions.

The construction industry is undergoing a historic transformation toward a more sustainable and decarbonized future.  Ruukki is participating again this year in the World Green Building Week 9.-13.9.2024 to raise awareness and join collaborations for the greener construction industry. Join us in Building Tomorrow’s Legacy. Today. 


For more information, please contact:
Kristiina Sikiö, Ruukki Construction, Head of Communications, kristiina.sikio@ruukki.com




