Regulatory information- Increased order intake for ADDvise Group during 2018
ADDvise Group’s order intake for Q4 2018 increased by 12 percent compared to Q4 2017. Order intake for Q4 2018 was 74,8 MSEK (66,8 MSEK Q4 2017). Total order intake for 2018 amounted to 261,5 MSEK (243,4 MSEK in 2017) which is an increase by 7,5 percent compared with 2017. - I’m pleased with the order intake during Q4. In particular, in the light of the lower costs due to achieved synergies and implemented efficiency programs. During Q4, we have taken important steps towards our financial target of 10% EBITDA margin, says Rikard Akhtarzand in a comment on the order intake. For