Episurf Medical will exhibit at the 7th Annual Congress of the German Knee Society (DKG), held in Munich, Germany, on November 23-24
Episurf Medical (NASDAQ: EPIS B) will exhibit at the 7th Annual Congress of the German Knee Society (DKG), held in Munich (Holiday Inn City Centre), Germany, on November 23-24. As previously announced, Dr. med. Johannes Holz (Orthocentrum Hamburg) will present the clinical results from patients treated with the Episealer® knee implant and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Clemens Kösters (Maria-Josef-Hospital, Greven) will present a 2-year follow-up of his patients treated with the Episealer® knee implant. For full program, see http://deutsche-kniegesellschaft.de/2018-2/. For an overview of the industry