Hardwood pulpwood prices in Brazil, Indonesia, Australia and Chile increased during the fall, resulting in a 5.6% jump of the HFPI price index
Hardwood fiber prices have slowly turned around this year with the HFPI price index being up 5.6% from the 1Q/16 to the 3Q/16, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. The softwood fiber price index SFPI fell in the 3Q/16 both because of lower costs in local currencies and a stronger US dollar.Seattle, USA. The two Global Wood Fiber Price Indices were close to parity in the 3Q/16. The Hardwood Wood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) has rebounded by 5.6% from the 1Q/16 when it reached an 11-year low. The biggest price increases this year have been in Brazil, Indonesia, Australia and Chile where