NOTE’s Interim Report January–June 2017
Financial performance April–June• Sales increased by 9% to SEK 308.4 (282.4) million. Excluding divestments, sales increased by 12%.• Operating profit rose to SEK 20.3 (15.4) million.• Operating margin expanded by 1.1 percentage points to 6.6% (5.5%).• Profit after financial items increased to SEK 19.3 (13.6) million.• Profit after tax rose to SEK 11.6 (11.0) million, corresponding to SEK 0.40 (0.38) per share, of which SEK -0.14 (-) consisted of write-down of foreign deferred taxes.• Cash flow after investments amounted to SEK 1.3 (4.1) million, or SEK 0.05 (0.14) per share.