CO2 Capsol: First CapsolGo carbon capture demonstration campaign to be carried out at Öresundskraft AB Energy from Waste plant
Press ReleaseOslo, March 22, 2022Öresundskraft AB has signed a rental contract for CO2 Capsol´s CapsolGo mobilecarbon capture demonstration unit.CO2 Capsol will deliver a CapsolGo carbon capture demonstration campaign toÖresundskraft´s Filbornaverket Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power(CHP) plant in Helsingborg, Sweden.The CapsolGo demonstration campaign will be delivered as a service with aflexible testing and validation program, providing Öresundskraft AB withvaluable data and information on the Hot Potassium Carbonate (HPC) capturetechnology, helping to