
About Us

LightAir AB (publ)’s mission is to improve people's health and well-being by developing and selling effective air purifiers for all types of environments. The products are based on two unique technologies. The company's share is listed on Nordic SME Sweden (Nordic Growth Market NGM AB) under the ticker LAIR. Read more at



A collaboration between LightAir and Awutek on the Finnish market is an important step in reaching out to the processing industry.
Klaus Hirvonen, Country Manager in Finland
Awutek addresses a segment where effective air purification is well needed and contributes to a healthier working environment and less wear and tear on machinery, tools and components. The company’s productivity will likely increase, and they will also save money.
Klaus Hirvonen, Country Manager in Finland
Awutek is representing many of the finest brands within the processing machine business. We carefully select our suppliers to offer our customers the best possible equipment and service.
Pekka Rasanen, CEO at Awutek
A collaboration with LightAir will give us additional competitiveness and knowledge within industrial air purification and will contribute to a more attractive and comprehensive portfolio.
Pekka Rasanen, CEO at Awutek
Of course, we want to minimize the spread of infection, reduce sick days and make it easier for our students and staff to achieve their best in our classrooms. The pandemic has affected us all and evidence of how the technology neutralizes a variety of viruses, including sars-cov-2, has been important to us when we chose to invest in this solution.
Kevin Egan, principal of Himalaya International School
Our patented technologies form the basis of our tailored offering to schools and offices. Our choice to focus on these target groups in the commercial segment is based precisely on the great competitive advantages we have in these types of organizations. In short, our technology cleans better, longer and more quietly than more conventional competing solutions.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
LightAir's offering fits us like a glove. We have a long tradition of working with premium suppliers that focus on technology and product development; those who develop products that, in addition to style and status, deliver exceptional quality and value.
Eric Anderson, Director of Sales, Almo Corporation
This is a large and important region for us in the coming years, as the US is the second-largest air purification market in the world. Almo has an excellent business position, and our partnership has a long-term and strategic importance. At the same time, it is providing real sales from day one.
Roger Sogge, COO, LightAir
We have a lot of people who move within limited areas and where the environment is often tough, based on air quality and challenges with a lot of sweat, moisture and equipment.
Henrik Jurelius, sports director for AIK Football
Through LightAir Health+, we now have a solution with proven technology, which minimizes airborne viruses and filters out harmful particles. Not least, we appreciate the strengthened protection against the spread of infection, as we are constantly exposed to new periods of colds and flu. Even a single prevented outbreak of disease now during the final phase of the season, for example, might pay back our clean air investment many times over.
Henrik Jurelius, sports director for AIK Football
Our offer is tailored for offices and schools, which is why our customers are normally found in other types of results-focused businesses.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Cooperation with an elite sports team such as AIK Football means a slightly different but challenging air quality environment. The well-established benefits of our offer – such as high purification capacity and low noise volumes – will also quickly provide the conditions for improved performance and reduced sick leave in these premises as well.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
We have evaluated the offer in-depth and are impressed with the purification capacity and design as well as the technology itself and its scientific evidence.
Ram Udupi, General Manager Appliance at Jashanmal Group
Of course, we see great opportunities as we now begin a joint journey where we will establish LightAir's premium brand in our region. Jashanmal takes pride in representing many globally well-known and exciting innovative premium brands, which is why LightAir fits very well into our portfolio.
Ram Udupi, General Manager Appliance at Jashanmal Group
We are now starting a collaboration with a solid local partner, which in addition to its own retail network acts as a distributor for more than 1,000 additional stores in the region.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
The collaboration with Jashanmal is of long-term strategic importance and contributes positively from the outset with concrete sales. LightAir is deeply rooted in the consumer market, and this continues to be an important part of our future. At the same time, we have begun a long-term transition to a greater focus on the commercial segment. In parallel with this new agreement, we are therefore actively preparing to market our tailor-made offer to offices and schools in the Middle East.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Based on our experience and successive successes in Sweden, we continue to build and focus on selected key markets. We look forward to a long-term collaboration and will continuously build out our distribution network to continue our international expansion.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Through close contact with decision-makers in the key segments, we have developed the market's most advanced service offering. Schools and offices are particularly appropriate, as our air purification solution operates with a noise level that is at least 50% below the competition.
Joakim Hansson, Business Area Manager at LightAir Professional Solutions
We are located in central Stockholm and are aware that we operate in an environment that is particularly exposed to traffic pollution. It’s important that students can stay healthy, cope with the school day and don’t get fatigued by bad air.
Jonas Persson, project manager at Enskilda Gymnasiet
We see that our strategic plan is promising and starting to bear fruit, while we have a long way to go with stimulating challenges ahead of us. Professional Solutions will be the engine of our future growth. Through an increasingly successful domestic market, we are laying the foundation for establishment in selected international markets.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
IonFlow continuously attacks the virus in the air and on surfaces, while destroying its infectious capabilities. It is great that we now have supplemented the previous in-depth study from the Karolinska Institute, which so clearly shows how our technology prevents the spread of a number of viruses.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Providing pharmaceutical treatments and creating vaccines is important. But it’s not only about that. Innovative technology is also clearly a part of any answer to pandemic viruses. We’re proud to provide a proven solution for reducing infections in offices, schools, homes and other shared spaces.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
The virus inhibition provided by LightAir IonFlow, in combination with the medical-grade air purification of the LightAir CellFlow, creates an unbeatable path for a responsible re-opening of offices and schools.
Rob Jansen, founder and CEO of Habitat Solution, distributor of LightAir in the Benelux region
Indoor air quality is extremely important for all of us, not least during the ongoing pandemic. But since it also affects quality of life and health aspects in general, as well as our energy and productivity levels, air purification will be at the top of the agenda for years to come.
Rob Jansen, founder and CEO of Habitat Solution, distributor of LightAir in the Benelux region
“We measured out various versions of pseudoviruses* that mimic the entry of different coronaviruses into cells. The conclusion is that in the form of droplets on exposed surfaces, IonFlow technology has a clear inhibition on viral entry already within 30 minutes.
Nuria Izquierdo Useros, Supervisor/PhD and the principal investigator of the study at IrsiCaixa
Personally, I find this extremely interesting, and the potential of this technology to combat virus spreading should be further investigated. Not least in these times, and especially given that this technology attacks the viral entry process so viruses can no longer infect human cells.
Nuria Izquierdo Useros, Supervisor/PhD and the principal investigator of the study at IrsiCaixa
It is both stimulating and gratifying that we have now been able to supplement the previous in-depth study from Karolinska Institute, which so clearly shows how our technology prevents the spread of a number of viruses.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
From my perspective, there is little reason to suspect that there might be any virus that can’t be inhibited by our technology. We are proud to be able to contribute to the reduction of viral infections in homes, offices, schools and other shared spaces.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Arranging a major international championship in these times naturally puts the quality of the air even more into focus. It is extra fun that we’re able to utilize this Swedish-developed technology for efficient air purification at an international event in Sweden.
Pierre Akterin, sales manager at DocuPartner
Our focus is usually on offices and schools. There we are constantly winners in our own niche championship, which revolves around degree of purification, noise level and energy consumption.
Joakim Hansson, business area manager at LightAir
The offer is of course also well suited for this type of special event with incoming international participants who will share many common areas.
Joakim Hansson, business area manager at LightAir
As a school, we have a great responsibility towards our students and our staff regarding our work environment. We have now found a solution for efficient air purification for the entire school. In addition to air purification, through LightAir we also have a way to actively fight viruses. Our investment provides an environment free of pollution and limits the spread of viruses, both in the case of the ongoing pandemic and annual flu attacks.
Peter Welch, Director of the American International School of Bucharest
Of course, it’s gratifying that we have won this highly competitive tender in Bucharest. We offer unique levels of operating costs, degree of purification and noise level for air purification within schools and offices. This success is a result of our focus on learning what really works in schools and offices. The Scandinavian and Dutch markets have shown the way in the last twelve months. Based on our experiences there, we are now working intensively to implement our offering in a number of key markets.
Joakim Hansson, Business Area Manager of LightAir
Our premises often present a tough air quality environment, based on challenges with a lot of equipment, sweat and moisture. Now we’re quite pleased to have found a solution with a proven technology that minimizes airborne viruses and filters out harmful ultra-fine particles. We will also have an ongoing collaboration with LightAir to follow up more detailed statistics on general health and illness among our players. Improved indoor air quality has an extra strong focus during this pandemic we’re all going through, but it’s also of great interest for the future, because we’re exposed to cold and flu seasons every year.
K-G Stoppel, deputy CEO of Djurgården Hockey
Our customers are normally found in completely different types of results-focused businesses, such as offices and schools. This collaboration with Djurgården means a slightly different, but extremely tough, air quality environment. The LightAir Health+ installation in these premises will also quickly improve conditions for increased performance and reduced sick leave.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir AB (publ)
The global world of scientists, as well as national authorities, now generally agree that viruses are spread through air, and that this also applies to COVID.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
Our technology destroys viruses immediately and while they are still in the air. This is completely different from conventional solutions based on fans and filters, which may collect virus particles, and which can reduce but not prevent airborne transmission.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
There are great similarities among viruses, but of course also differences. It is gratifying that we have now created the opportunity to investigate IonFlow’s effectiveness against specific coronaviruses. This will supplement the previous in-depth study from Karolinska Institutet, which already showed that the technology prevents the spread of a number of viruses.
Lars Liljeholm, CEO of LightAir
We have a unique offer and together with our partners we are improving air quality at workplaces and schools. Facility Management is an industry that enables us to reach out widely with these solutions.
Joakim Hansson, Business Area Manager at LightAir
We have seen how our customers receive a unique and flexible service that delivers true and great value at both company and individual levels.
Mattias Wahlgren, Group Innovation Manager – Technology, at Coor
This distinguished IFMA award for the innovation of the year will provide good tailwinds in our Nordic home market, as well as in our international rollout of the concept.
Joakim Hansson, Business Area Manager at LightAir
It is encouraging that this offer has received this recognition from the industry. Collaboration with innovative partners such as LightAir adds to Coor's service portfolio and our ambition to always offer our customers the market's very best services and deliveries.
Mattias Wahlgren, Group Innovation Manager – Technology, at Coor
The collaboration means that we get a local partner with great expertise in sales and marketing, while LightAir maintains a large degree of control and ownership of the branding in China. The launch in China is first done through China's dominant e-commerce platforms. I look forward to building our business in China together with our new partners.
Mikael Pérez, CEO of LightAir
This is something completely unique that no one else is working with. IonFlow destroys viruses in the air. If you are sick and sneeze, the virus is eliminated directly in the air before it can infect others.
Stefan Ekvall, Sales Manager at LightAir
Preventing the spread of viral diseases means a great benefit for the individual who does not get sick, for the employer with reduced sickness absence and for society as a whole through reduced burden on the health care system.
Mikael Pérez, CEO at LightAir
LightAir's ambition is now to take a holistic approach to offering fresh air that is free from both infections and pollution, for both home, work and animal industry environments.
Mikael Pérez, CEO at LightAir
I am very pleased that the Board has been able to appoint Mikael Pérez as the new CEO. Mikael's experience of selling and marketing electronic products to both companies and consumers will be very central to the company's continued development.
Paul Fischbein, Chairman of LightAir
I would also like to thank Joakim Hansson for his contribution to LightAir, where in 2018 he led the company during ongoing restructuring which laid the foundation for future investments. For personal reasons, Joakim has decided to leave the post as CEO of the company. Joakim will remain within the company for a period to ensure an orderly handover. I wish Joakim good luck in his future career.
Paul Fischbein, Chairman of LightAir
I am honored to have the Board's confidence to take over as CEO and to lead a company with such strong expertise and potential. I look forward to working with LightAir's employees, customers and partners and leading the next phase of the company's development by launching innovative products and creating the conditions for profitable long-term growth.
Mikael Pérez, new CEO of LightAir
Over the next two years, LightAir plans to launch a number of new products and business areas. This is the start of LightAir's introduction of air purifiers based on CellFlow technology, which complements the company's existing range from the IonFlow technology. LightAir's new broader product portfolio offers unique competitive advantages both in the consumer market and within the new business areas such as Business-to-Business and Agriculture. I am now very much looking forward to further developing the company during this exciting phase.
Mikael Pérez, new CEO of LightAir
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