Hexagon Interim Report 1 January - 30 September 2021
Third quarter 2021 • Net sales increased by 15 per cent to 1,077.2 MEUR (939.9). Using fixed exchange rates and a comparable group structure (organic growth), net sales increased by 10 per cent• Adjusted operating earnings (EBIT1) increased by 19 per cent to 296.8 MEUR (250.1)• Earnings before taxes, excluding adjustments, amounted to 290.5 MEUR (242.2)• Net earnings, excluding adjustments, amounted to 238.3 MEUR (198.6)• Earnings per share, excluding adjustments, amounted to 0.09 EUR (0.08)• Operating cash flow decreased to 179.6 MEUR (191.2) For further information, please