Thunderful Group Interim Report January–June 2022
A strong second quarter in Thunderful GamesSecond quarter April–June 2022 · Revenue increased 11.1% to 618.7 MSEK (556.8). · Adjusted EBITA declined 25.0% to 31.5 MSEK (42.0), corresponding to an adjusted EBITA margin of 5.1% (7.5). · Adjusted EBITDA increased 28.3% to 69.3 MSEK (54.6), corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 11.2% (9.8). · Operating profit (EBIT) declined 62.1% to 9.4 MSEK (24.9), corresponding to an operating margin of 1.5% (4.5). · Loss for the quarter amounted to –21.8 MSEK (20.4). · Earnings per share after dilution amounted to –0.31 SEK (0.29)