EHAB’s senior unsecured bonds have been approved for trading on Nasdaq Stockholm and are expected to be delisted from Frankfurt Open Market
On 26 January 2022, Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB (publ) ("EHAB") issued a senior unsecured bond loan of 1.2 BSEK within a framework of 2.4 BSEK on the Swedish bond market (the ”Bonds”). The Bonds carry a floating interest rate of 3m STIBOR + 750 basis points with final maturity on 26 January 2025. The application for admission to trading of the Bonds on Nasdaq Stocholm’s corporate bond list has been approved, with the first day of trading tomorrow, on 14 July 2022. The Bonds’ ticker is EHAB01. EHAB will submit an application to delist the Bonds from their current trading platform,