Etteplan OYJ: SHARE REPURCHASE 31.8.2017
Released:8/31/2017Category:Changes in company's own sharesEtteplan Oyj ANNOUNCEMENT 31.8.2017Etteplan OYJ: SHARE REPURCHASE 31.8.2017In the Helsinki Stock ExchangeTrade date 31.8.2017Bourse trade BuyShare ETTEAmount 1 000 SharesAverage price/ share 8,5680 EURTotal cost 8 568,00 EUREtteplan Oyj now holds a total of 66 103 sharesincluding the shares repurchased on 31.8.2017On behalf of Etteplan OyjNordea Bank AB (publ), Finnish BranchJanne Sarvikivi Julius SummanenFor more information, please contact:Juha Näkki, President and CEOtel. +358 400 606 372Outi