Gjensidige Forsikring ASA: Successful issuance of Restricted Tier 1 and Subordinated Tier 2 bond issues
With reference to the announcement dated 22 March 2021, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA (“Gjensidige”) has today successfully completed issuance of a Restricted Tier 1 bond issue and a Subordinated Tier 2 bond issue, both in the amount of NOK 1,200 million. The Restricted Tier 1 bond has a perpetual tenor with a first call for Gjensidige after 5 years and will have a floating rate coupon of 3M NIBOR + 2.25% p.a. The Subordinated Tier 2 bond has a tenor of 30 years with first call option for Gjensidige after 5.5 years and will have a floating rate coupon of 3M NIBOR + 1.10% p.a. Both issues are