

  • Sofie Schough

    Communication Manager

    +46 10 559 59 83
    +46 70 215 37 09
  • Magdalena Öhrn

    Communications Director

    +46 72 504 14 50
  • Quotes

    In the FM sector, the customer experience, both physical and digital, is becoming increasingly important and Magdalena’s background in the travel sector is a good fit.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    The agreement with Sokos Hotel is a key deal for Coor. It generates contin-ued structural growth in our Finnish operations and broadens our customer base in the Nordics.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    Telia Company is a customer with high ambition, which creates demands on us as a supplier. We are looking forward to an even deeper partnership.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    We’re so proud to be entrusted by Kalmar Hospital, and are looking forward to taking on this assignment
    Karin Sparr, BU Manager at Coor
    The objective is to reduce food waste by 20 per cent in one year.
    Per Åhren, Service Excellence owner Food & Beverage, Coor
    Utilizing QR codes, sensors, drones and various robots in our deliveries is becoming more common nowadays.
    Rikard Wannerholt, Operations Development and Transformation, Coor.
    Coor Green Services is an excellent tool for identifying potential improvements in collaboration with our customers, which contributes to creating a greener environment.
    Maria Eriksson, HSEQ Coor
    Region Gävleborg wants first class cleaning services which Coor will deliver.
    AnnaCarin Grandin, President at Coor in Sweden
    We’re proud that Arcus has reappointed us.
    Nikolai Utheim, President at Coor in Norway
    The fact that FOOD by Coor has very satisfied customers was decisive to this assignment.
    Søren Kanne, Divisional Manager at Coor in Denmark
    SAS is an important customer to Coor, who we’ve worked with since 2008, and we’re delighted to be able to continue the collaboration for a further six years.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    The agreement between ABB and Coor is the single largest new IFM contract to have been concluded the last twelve months. The deal confirms our position as the leading IFM provider in the Nordics.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    Hard FM services is one of our major offerings, which we’ve been enhancing for a number of years. We’ve recently won a number of property-related contracts, which is pleasing and confirms that we’re heading in the right direction.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    We’re proud of our positive collaboration based on flexibility and scalability, and a clear, shared focus on continuous improvement.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    Tieto and Coor have worked closely together for a number of years, with a joint focus on innovation and development.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    This assignment has a high safety profile, and the fact that we’ve been awarded the assignment is a result of the high priority we assign to our HSEQ work.
    Mona Dehli, Business Unit Manager at Coor in Norway
    It’s extremely pleasing that NCC has confirmed our long and successful collaboration by choosing to extend the agreement.
    AnnaCarin Grandin
    The advantage of ISO certification is that it demonstrates clearly that we’re working in a structured and consistent manner, and that our operations are orderly.
    Jorgen Utzon, President Coor in Denmark
    Coor has long-term experience of delivering services in sensitive environments, which combined with our sharp focus on HSEQ will be a good fit for this delivery.
    Klas Elmberg, Excecutive Vice President, Coor in Sweden.
    Coor has a sharp customer focus and systematically implements improvements and innovation, and our approach correlates closely with the requirements in the new ISO standards. The fact that we were able to adopt the new standards so quickly shows that we conduct our operations in a structured and responsible manner.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO of Coor
    We’re proud to award Coor this certification as one of the first operators on the market. Coor has also followed our best practice procedures during the transition, implementing gap analyses, training and workshops in partnership with us. The new standards have implications such as an increased focus on a risk management. Coor has made some adjustments, and now meets the requirements of the standards.
    Cecilia Thor, Operations Manager at DNV GL
    Our mission is to develop and deliver efficient, safe and environmentally friendly support service solutions with high quality to the Hospital, and the people working there and visiting it. Our assignment really gets going now that the Hospital has gone operational. Alongside operations at the Karolinska, we’re now working intensively on preparing to admit and sign in the first patients later this year. This is a really important assignment for us, and it is exciting and satisfying to finally implement what we’ve been planning for.
    Mikael Stöhr, President and CEO at Coor
    Coor Conference Services provides centrally located meeting and confer-ence facilities in Stockholm and Gothenburg. Although a conference facility that is centrally located and can be reached with public transport is an envi-ronmentally friendly choice in itself, we’re now also making it possible for our guests to offset the environmental impact of meetings fully.
    Per Julin, Business Developer at Coor Konferens
    It’s always particularly pleasing to participate in developing services for a new, modern property and an ambitious customer. Tele2 seeks to be a leader in providing modern workspaces for the connected employee, which is entirely in line with our philosophy.
    Mikael Stöhr, CEO and President at Coor
    We are changing logotype for practical reasons – Coor is easier to say and easier to use. We are not changing the direction of the business, but will continue with what we are doing today: to help companies and public entities to be more productive, efficient and sustainable by managing their supporting services in a professional and intelligent way.
    Åsvor Brynnel, Communications and Sustainability Manager, Coor Group
    Cleaning robots have several advantages. They reduce the environmental impact and improve the working environment, while also providing more flexible cleaning services at times that suit the customer. Cleaning robots make cleaning services more efficient and sustainable.
    Sten Mortensen, Concept Manager, Cleaning Services at Coor Service Management.
    Coor has begun 2016 on a strong note. The company’s Swedish and Norwegian businesses are growing and improving their prof-itability.
    - Mikael Stöhr, koncernchef
    The Coor Awards are a way for us to recognize all the people that make such fantastic efforts at Coor—in service delivery for customers, in creating innovations, in sales and as managers. All these segments are central for us to evolve and secure our status as a leading service management provider. I want to congratulate the winners, all of whom fully deserve these awards.
    Mikael Stöhr, CEO and President of Coor Service Management
    Rather than having to scale walls or roofs, our technicians can now complete many assignments from the ground, which increases efficiency and improves the working safety,”
    Henrik Gustafsson, Regional Manager Property Mälardalen
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